Chapter 5

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I changed my mind about how I would tell the story. Instead of doing an omniscient point of vue, it would be from only Valeria's point of vue. 

Though, now that Val has grown, she can sense the dragon's emotion through the mind-links, so we will know what they are feeling too.


Valeria's P.O.V.

*8 years later*

I loved living with the dragons. Larius and Cygun were like my parents while Yvy was like my sister.

I was now 18 years old, but I still got in trouble every other day.

Take right now for example, I was about to jump off the cliff and try to get Yvy to catch me. All the dragons always helped me out trying to figure out new acrobatics that we can do.

I mean over the years, I am used to riding the dragon with no saddle. Larius gave me one, but it is very light and is only used in case of long trips where I am liable to fall asleep and fall off.

I happened once, but Cygun caught me in time. I got a firm scolding afterwards for putting myself in danger. 

Being surrounded by dragons for the majority of my life has slightly changed me. My psychic energy grew much stronger than ever before, I could speak with anyone I want at any distance and hear their answer. 

I also had the small power to manipulate fire. It didn't work so well half the time. If it was a life-or-death situation though it came alive. I mean that's how I found out I had it.


"C'mon Yvy. Just a little fire won't hurt anyone," I begged. Yvy and I had gone up high in the mountains and I was freezing

Larius had warned me against doing this of course, but at 15 years old, I didn't listen.

I wanted Yvy to light us a fire. She was hesitant because her control of her fire breathing abilities was okay at best and awful at worst.

Yvy gave in, "Fine, just a small one though and don't tell dad."

She took a deep breath and exhaled fire. She did the little fire just fine, but then didn't stop. We were in a cave and the fire blocked our only exit. Yvy would be fine, being a dragon, but I wouldn't. 

I was freaking out and the fire got too close to me. 

Suddenly, the fire stopped moving towards me and away. My palms seem to be pushing it away. 

I looked at Yvy who was staring at me in amazement, "How can you do that, Val?"

"I have no idea what I am doing," I told her.

I walked forward and the fire moved back.  We continued like that until we got out of the cave. Yvy was amazed and brought us immediately to Larius and Cygun. 

They too were impressed, but also mad we disobeyed them.

*Flashback over*

I tried a couple times after that. It can work most of the time now, but it took a lot of practice and still takes a lot concentration. 

I asked Yvy, "Are you ready?"

"Yup," she replied.

I started to run and jumped off the cliff. Every dragon was holding their breath. This is the first time Yvy and I did this together. I've done it with Sonya who once she got over her infatuation with the Royal brother was nice. 

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