Chapter 4

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"Would you like to come with me back home?" Zachary laid on the ground with his head on Evalin's lap while she laid hers back on the rock with her eyes closed. "I could give you tour."

She opened her eyes and looked down at him, "I can't." She went back to her previous position and said. "Now shut up so I can sleep."

They've been meeting up for two weeks now. For the first half of the first week all they did was bicker over everything. By the second week they could have a conversation without going at each others throats... Well mostly.

She asked him about his world and he told her about Prythian and how there are seven courts ruled by seven High Lords, that is until his mother became the first High Lady. He told her the story of his parents, his mother was a human girl who fell in love with the High Lord of the Spring Court, she fought to free him and every other creature in their world from a cruel despicable high fae female, but only his father, Rhysand, was brave enough to help Feyre, Zachary's mother, through it all. In the end, she solved the riddle the female had given her, only to die by her the hands. With the curse being lifted, with his deamati powers, Rhysand got into the minds of every High Lord and convinced them to give Feyre a piece of their powers bringing her back to life as high fae. What they didn't intend was to literally give her a piece of their powers. Long story short, there were fights, new friends, families, war and it turned out Rhysand and Feyre had a mating bond long before they had even met.

She had also figured out that Zachary couldn't keep his hands to himself, he was always touching her whether it were to poke, tickle or tease her and he did a lot of teasing. The cheeky bastard.

"Why not?" He asked her.

"Because my cousin threatened to tell my parents about me walking through worlds." She told him. "So I have to lay low for another month at least."

"Your parents don't know?" She felt more than saw him furrow his brows. "How come you know how to walk through worlds if they didn't teach you?"

"Weellll..." She felt his head move to look up at her and she met his gaze. "I kind of tricked another member of the family to tell me how it was done and I went from there."

He chuckled, "You're trouble, Princess."

He has used that nickname long before he knew she was an actual Princess. Since he opened up and told her about his world and family she did the same.

"I thought we established that a long time ago." She smirked.

He held her gaze, "I love your eyes."

Her heart skipped a beat, it's been doing a lot of that lately and she hated it because she didn't know what it meant. It overwhelmed her because it has never happened to her before. "Thanks, I got the green from my dad and the gold from my mom."

"She has golden eyes?" He raised his eyebrows in surprised.

She shook her head, "The same golden rings but instead of green they are turquoise, my uncle Aedion has them as well." She chuckled, "If you didn't know they were cousins you would think they were twins. But," she added." My aunt Manon has golden ones."

He bit his bottom lip and looked at her with a straight face. "So if we have children they could have violed eyes with golden rings."

Evalin felt herself blush and covered her face with her hands. "You are insufferable!"

"I can't help teasing you." He chuckled, "You're so cute when you blush."

"Zach!" She slapped him on the chest and glared at him.

"Okay, okay." He laughed. "I'll stop."

She chuckled while slowly shaking her head. "You are shameless."

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