Chapter 2

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"What the hell are you wearing?"

Evalin had barely set foot in her room when the voice startled her. "Shit! You scared me." She sighed. "I thought you were mom."

"Yeah, and she isn't here thanks to me, I told her we were meeting for training and you know how hard it is to trick aunt Aelin." Gavryn, her cousin said to her. "You owe me one."

She thanked and hugged him, "Whatever you ask I'll do, cousin."

"Stop walking through worlds then."

She snorted, "Except that."

They pulled away and he rolled his eyes taking a seat on her bed. "Something went wrong this time, I can tell." He points at what she's wearing, "That is not yours."

"I ran into a little bit of trouble."

He raised his eyebrows, "A little?"

"Yeah, you know, some creatures attacked me, I lost too much blood, lost conciousness but someone helped me." She said as if it was nothing.

Her cousin stared at her with an expression of worry, disbelief and anger. "I wonder if you and aunt Aelin know what the meaning of little is." He glared at her. "I thought I told you to take me with you?"

She nodded going to her closet. "You did, I just didn't want you to spoil all the fun like last time."

"You are still alive because I came with you the last time, Evalin!" He yelled at her. She sighed and turned to face him, she could see the worry in his eyes. "I'm done worrying about whether you will come back home in one piece or not show up at all." He said to her. "If you disappear again, I will tell aunt and uncle were you've been."

She gaped at him, "You wouldn't."

"I'd rather have you be mad at me for centuries than to not have you at all because you carelessly died in another world just because you were curious."

"Nothing is going to happen to me-"

He cuts her off with a bitter laugh. "You said it yourself! You were attacked, and almost died if it weren't for someone kind enough to bother to save you!" He shook his head and let out a frustrating sigh. "Dammit, Evalin! You even have a scar to prove my point."

She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything there was a knock on the door and her mother's head popped in. "There you guys are."

"Hey mom." "Hey auntie." They greeted her.

"Ooh, you need to tell me where you bought that top." She said walking into the room. "I need one in gold." Her eyes fell to her daughter's bare abdomen and Evalin knew it was too late to cover up. "What happened there?"

Evalin touched the scar she got from the creature from the other world. "Oh, this?"

"Yes, Evalin. That."

"It's my fault," her cousin said before she could make up a lie. "I got carried away with training and slashed her there." He gave his aunt a small smile, "I'm sorry."

"Again?" Aelin groaned and rubbed her face. "I won't be surprised if the day comes when one of you tells me you accidentally killed the other because you got carried away with training." With that she leaves the room.

"Thanks." She said to Gavryn.

He playfully bumped his shoulder with hers, "It's not as if that hasn't happened before."

They laughed and she told him everything that happened in the beautiful land of night.


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