chapter 32

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I looked at the tall figure and kicked him in the nuts he feel holding his crotch and one of his guards took my arm and bent it behind my back (like they do when the cops arrest people)

Everyone looked at me with simpathy well almost everyone and I didn't know why until it hit me, no literally the gun hit me and I was now scared.

"Do it I dare you I don't belong here anyway pull the trigger." I called out and he looked confused.

They still had the gun to my head. I grabbed it and pointed it to my head and right when I was about to pull the trigger the gun was knocked out of my hand with a banana and it flew across the room.

I wasn't gonna do it anyway because the gun was on safe so yeah there stupid.


"WHY?" I raised my voice. He and everyone else slowly nodded.

Ring. Ring ought my phone.

•her nightmare pov•

She got a call and she started crying and said okay thank you and she continued with her story.


"Why? Well because starting in 6th grade I started getting bullied no only verbal but physically by a group of people I called my friends(read note at end I will explain) they bulled me and I started to cut they called me na- one second."


"Hey this is Bart creator of mag on I was wondering if you wante-"

"NO!!!!!!!!" I hung up.

"Okay so they called me names I have a scars to prove." I took off my shirt and showed my arms and the first cut I've ever made it was an infinity sign with the word ugly right under it it looked like a tattoo but it was up side down because it was on my stomach and I showed my arms and everyone gasped.

"I've been lexis Rodriguez the loser every since last year. I don't know the people who did it but all I know is that they made me want to kill myself for years but I didn't. My mom died on her birthday I just got a call saying him and his girlfriend got murdered because of me I didn't tell her where the safe with money was so they died because of me and people are bothering me because they think infamous but no so you might as well do it!"


Okay so she got most of her memory back but she doesn't know what her real name is or who bullied her. So yeah you'll find out who the guy of her night mares is .


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