Chapter 20

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I'm tanning right now if you wanna know 😂😂😂


I woke up at 5 am because that's the time my "mom" wakes up and I decided to tell her my plan. I'm scared. should i? would she be mad that I haven't after all these years? what would happen? Ugh!! shut up brain you stupid!! technically your stupid because I'm part of you. did u just answer me? yes I did! Okay that's wierd. not really it's just for lonely people. HEY!!!! that's rude! Who said your brain was nice?? Ugh! whatever I'm going to name you. hey that's not normal,you know. I don't care. ugh fine but it better not be stupid. ugh whatever it's already 5:30 I have to talk to my mom!!! fine!

Wow I have a stupid and annoying brain. hey I heard that! Who said I was talking to u? Shut up! Bye for now!

I walked out side. To the park. I say on one of the swings and looked at the sky.

Dear mom.......


I woke up at 5:30 and I was so confused. I decided to go to the park to clear my mind.


Dear mom,

If you can here me or see me I wanna let you know something.

"Yes honey I'm here"


"Yes I'm here I can see and hear you but you can't see me right now you only can here me."

"Mom?!? where are you please come u wanna hug you a pretend you are here and tell you."

"Okay look up."

I looked up. I started crying.

"Mom your here.!"


Mom your here I heard somebody and saw a girl at the swings looking up but there was nothing there. Wierdo...

"Okay I will tell you mom I just wish you were alive.."

Who is that!?


"Okay mom so in 6th grade I was bullied by 9 guys"

"What how come you never told me!?"

"Because I thought they would stop and you had work and house problems of your own and I didn't wanna put more stress on you."

"Okay honey continue"

"Okay so these guys. Matthew Espinosa. Cater Reynolds. Nash Grier.

" Wait Nash bullies you?!?"

"Yes.Cameron Dallas. Aaron Carpenter. Shawn Mendes. Taylor Caniff. Jack G. And Jack J. They've bullied me since 6th grade and they used to beat me up and hurt me. You never noticed because you were never home!" I slightly raised my voice on the last part.

"I'm sorry I had to work for the family"

"Whatever. okay so one day this year or last month when Cassidy came we tried to change my look but they still noticed! They still bully me and today in going to get hurt so much because of yesterday."

" OMG I'm so sorry sweetie"


You never noticed because you were never home! that girl yelled.

The next thing I heard was they still bully me and there going to hurt me so much today because of yesterday.

Omg that's Kaitlin!!!

"Yeah well the only thing they don't know is that I cut"

Wait what?! Omg I feel so stupid and bad.

"Yes!! I'm sorry mom but I couldn't take it"

"7th grade"


Who is she talking to? There's no one in the park! oh wait I remember her saying her mom died... Oh shit I feel so bad!!!

I got in my car and texted the boys to meet me where we are going to beat up Kaitlin and I drove off.


"Yeah well the only thing they don't know is that I cut"

"Y- y-you do?!?" My mothers voice cracked a little

" yes! I'm so sorry mom!"

"Don't worry sweetie I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when did this start the cutting part?"

"7th grade"


"I'm sorry"

"It's okay. I gotta go honey I have to go get my wings"


"Bye honey I'm sorry I will talk to you later"

"ait" I whispered. But she was already gone. I just went home and pack my bags I couldn't stand my "mom" she already left for work she's a victorious secret model. How did my dad get her!?

I decided to text her

Me: hey crystal I need to talk to you when you get home it's important.

Crystal : okay sweetie I'll be there in 4 hours. aren't you supposed to be at school.

Me: yes but I'm not going today I'll explain why later.

Crystal: okay be there in 4 hours! Bye I gtg I'm at a photo shoot.

Me: okay bye

**End of convo**

I kept packing until I had everything and I put it all in my car and went back inside. My room was empty I had 6 suit cases in the back 4 carry ons in the back and my dogs and animals stuff. I went to the mall and changed my whole look again!!

After the lady was done I couldn't even recognize my self. I paid the lady and went to change my name.

I went home and I had an hour till crystal came home.

I made a YouTube video

"Hey guys my name is Lexis Rodrigues and this is my first video."

After the video I edited it and posted it.

***20 minuets later***

Crystal came home and I told her the story.. She said she was fine with me changing my name and she got me a ticket to la because I'm going to live there and I still have over 5 million dollars from my mom but crystal gave me 10,000$ and extra money so I would be set and then I grabbed my pet and camera and chargers and left to go to school.


"Where is she?"

"I'll go check the office" Matt said.



I went to the office and I saw the most pretties girl ever next to Kaitlin. She looked at me and she quickly turned.


I saw Matt and thank god u told the lady to tell everyone that I was sick until tomorrow when she can tell them that I transferred because Matt would have came after me. I drove to la.


I asked the lady at the front desk if they new where Kaitlin was.

"She's sick today"

"Okay thank you ma'am"

"No problem sir" She said and I left.

I told Nash and he said we would do it tomorrow.


Okay this is along chapter and it's long because I was tanning and I got bored so yeah. hope you like it an I'm sorry if you guys can't see chapter 19 idk it's messed up I guess I'll try to fix it. Or I can dm you it.

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