Chapter 10

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••School•• Kaitlin's pov ••

Everyone was staring at me why? did I have something on my face? was my look ugly? I hate when people look at me ugh whatever! I walked to me locker and did my combination and I saw the guys with a smirk on their face and cameron lifted his hand up and I flinched and everyone was looking at me. I thought he was going to smack me but then I saw his hand out and a worried look on his face I just grabbed my stuff and ran to my class.

•• Cameron's pov ••

I reached my hand out and she flinched as if I was going to hurt her and speaking of that where's Kaitlin?!? I need to punch someone right now!! Maybe she moved because the new girl had her locker. So I asked her what her name was and se said you'll find out sooner or later.

Ooo she's playing hard to get! I know because I get all the girls! 😉

•• Kaitlin's pov ••

Cameron asked me my name and I was too scared to tell him that it was me so I told him that he would find out sooner or later and then he said " I'm Cameron " and I replied an I know and he gave me a confused look with a smirk not a sweet smirk and evil smirk with darkness inside.

I then walked to my class and the teacher said looks like we have a new student what's your name? I'm Kaitlin I'm not new and he mumbled damn under his breath and went on with class.

•• Taylor's pov ••

OMFG! KAITLIN IS SO HOTT! We all thought and then Cameron brought up him hitting on her and then he said maybe we should go apologize and we all nodded but I was still mad that Cameron hit on Kaitlin because he never liked her like that like I did before she changed and so did Shawn, Matt ,Carter, Aaron, the jacks, Nash, we all did and do but she looks different so now cameron likes her just because she changed. We all went up to Kaitlin and Cameron was the first to talk and he said....

Bullied by magconजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें