"Because I like sucking dick too much," Dan responded flatly.

Louise groaned and rested her head on his shoulder, whining a bit. "But you- you're so hot!"

Dan snickered and pushed her off of him, smirking smugly at his best friend. "So you've told me." He glanced around, taking another sip of his beer. It was his third one and he was feeling it enough just so his muscles were loose and he was no longer quite as annoyed to be around other gross teenagers.

His eyes landed on someone who was wearing the same costume as he was, and he nearly choked on his beverage. Somebody was wearing the same costume? Here? Most people Dan had seen were dressed either really sexually or dressed in a way that was culturally depreciating. He didn't particularly like either results, so seeing somebody in a Captain America costume was both refreshing and intriguing.

He surveyed the guy from afar, as discreetly as possible. He was talking to a group of friends, a bright smile on his face. Dan couldn't tell what colour his eyes were from there, but he could see that they were lighter than his own dark eyes. His skin was pale, almost porcelain, and stuck out against the blue of the costume. He wasn't wearing a mask so his black fringe was falling gently across his forehead, slightly tinged with sweat.

Then Dan's eyes were traveling lower and his mouth almost fell open.

"Holy mother of god," Dan muttered, and he could hear Louise scoff next to him with realisation.

The man's butt was a literal piece of art.

Hips wide and curvy like Shakira's, butt the perfect amount of plump to squeeze. If Dan knew one thing, it was that he definitely wanted to get his hands on that ass one way or another.

"Dan." Dan turned an annoyed glance to his best friend, tearing his eyes away from the perfect specimen before him. Louise was smirking. "That guy was totally watching you check him out."

At that sentence, Dan's heart lodged in his throat and his eyes widened. Was she serious? A quick look over at the other Captain America showed that, yes, his eyes were trained on Dan and he was smirking smugly like he'd just won the attention of a beautiful girl. Except Dan wasn't a girl and he definitely wasn't beautiful. "Fucking heck," Dan muttered when they made awkward eye contact.

The guy leaned over to say something to his friend, hand tight around his red cup, and then he was walking in Dan's direction and Dan was sure he was going to piss his trousers.

"Well, looks like it's time to leave!" Louise exclaimed, stretching and standing up.

Dan's head whipped around to glare at her. "Louise! No!"

But it was too late. She disappeared into the crowd, replaced by an unbelievably sexy Steve Rogers and a fumbling mess of Dan.

"Hey," Sexy Steve Rogers said and his voice was smooth, deeper than Dan had been expecting. From this close, Dan could see that his eyes were the colour of the blue sea, filled with a galaxy of yellows and greens. His lips were quirked in a smirk, soft and pink. "Mind if I sit?"

For a moment, Dan couldn't muster any words. His tongue was heavy in his mouth and his throat was filled with cotton wool. He gripped his red cup a bit tighter and took a deep breath. "N-no, of course not."

The stutter didn't go unnoticed by the man, who only chuckled and moved to sit by Dan on the couch. He was so close that Dan could feel their knees touching, the skin burning under his costume. "I like your costume," Steve Rogers said.

"It suits you better than it does me," Dan blurted before he could stop himself. Immediately, he wanted to take the words back, cringing at how fucking awkward he was.

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