Chapter 17

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When I walked out of my room tears where still streaming down my face and I didn't bother to try to wipe them away. If it seems like I am childish I'm not. I knew we where having problems, but I didn't think that they would reach this amount of seriousness. I walked back into the kitchen to drown my sorrows in food. My only true best friend. I heard noises. Some that seemed to be like they were out of breath or something. I moved around the corner to see the most heartbreaking sight. Parker was kissing that same girl the one in the pack that I ordered to leave. Parker noticed me first, but it was too late.

"Eli... calm down. It's not what you think." I turned to look at him, "Oh really, because it looks like you're kissing the same girl that I banished from the pack. Oh, and what happened to 'not a break up'? Because I can assure you that our "break" is a break-up and if you have a problem with that then you can leave the pack." I looked at the girls face with disgust, "and if I ever see your face again you'll be killed. Don't test my patience. Now!" I turned back to Parker, "Also, you don't have the right to call me Eli. Only my friends can call me that and after what I just saw, don't think you'll ever be one of those again." I turned away from him and walked to Sarah's room to be grossed out and the sight of her and Jack trying to swallow each other's faces.

Instead of walking into her room I walked to the window at the end of the hall and jumped, shifting halfway down. I ran to where the singles partied all day, knowing he would be there. "Hey boys, do any of you want to have some fun. I can assure you that you won't regret it." I turned to look at him with a mischevious look on my face. He knew what I was doing. By the look on his face it was working, but if he could cheat on his mate, dating or not, then I could too, right? I know, it didn't make the situation right, but it made me feel better, to know that he was mad I would do something like this. One of the guys I knew from when we where kids stepped up. "I'll take that offer, on one condition. What about alpha. He'll have our heads." All the other guys nodded. "Oh please. It's nothing he hasn't done." He had a guilty look on his face while the others all backed away with recognition not wanting to get in the way of this feud between us.

When he had the courage to say something he said, "If any of you dare take that offer, which of you is brave enough to fight your alpha male?" I laughed which gained me all the attention, "Don't you mean-former- alpha male?" Shocked looks passed through the whole party and he spoke again, "No... you can't do that." I grinned wickedly again, "Oh, but I can, and I did. Still, my offer stands to you. If you want it come get it. If not, oh well." I turned around not even caring that I was naked that whole time, I shifted back and ran back to the pack house. I saw Jack and Sarah and they looked conflicted, "Why is Jack not the beta male anymore?" uh oh... I forgot that taking the male alpha out of the picture, the beta follows suit. "Sarah, this wasn't supposed to happen. I'm so sorry. I forgot-" she cut me off angrier with every passing second, "So this is your fault. I can't say I'm surprised. You never liked being bossed around. Even in the past when your mom or dad would tell you to do something you wouldn't." she turned her back to me.

I didn't realize that this would affect their relationship too. "Sarah, please, we can fix this. Please let me fix this for you. I don't want my relationship fixed, but yours should last. Please let me fix this." she didn't say anything she just looked disappointed in me. She shook her head and they exited the room. I was left in the emptiness of the room. To cry by myself. 'Any male that thought of taking my offer, don't even think about it.' I snapped through the pack-link. I could hear so many grunts in frustration like they had been hoping to win the best prize in a race. It's not like I actually wanted any of the pack males, I just wanted to make Parker jealous to hurt him. Now I have hurt my best friend. What was I going to do? 

I never thought that Sarah would choose a guy over me, mate or not. We have always been like sisters. I always thought we would stay that way. That we would always be the 'sisters before misters' type of friends. I guess I was wrong about that too. I'm surprised I didn't see that coming too, but then again even if I did I wouldn't want to believe it because, who wants to believe that their best friend, of all time, would ever choose a guy over them? 

But she made the wrong choice. If that's the path she wants to go down, I'm fine with that. I will drop her just like I dropped Parker.

And I wouldn't think twice about doing it.

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