Chapter 16

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I haven't talked to anyone since that day. I lost my babies. Just the thought makes tears run down my face. I look down at my, once again, flat stomach and say "I promise, one day I will do anything to kill her. You will not be forgotten. I love you." I start to cry as I speak to the babies that used to be in my stomach. 

Today marks ten days since the "incident" and I've decided that I'm not going to lay in my bed anymore. I knew that it would be hard to get through the day with all of the pitiful looks that I would get, but I would do it. For my lost children and for Parker. I knew he hated seeing me like this. I start to think over the idea of having children at my age. I was 18. I wasn't ready for children at my age. Not yet anyway. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. Parker may not feel this way though. I'm sure he's ready for kids... but he's old. Lol, I crack my self up. So in a few days, Parker would be 21. I know, I can't believe it either. I still don't know what I am supposed to get him. He doesn't tell me he ever wants anything, like... EVER!!!

I walked into the kitchen to see Parker, Jack, and Sarah. I smiled and waved on my way to Parker. I reached up and gave him a kiss to walk out of the house. I go behind a tree to shift. When I come out I see them all looking at me like the just saw the strangest thing. 'What?' Parker was the only one that linked me back, 'Well... we didn't expect you to come out of that room to go for a run if you came down at all.' I give them a wolf-ish smile and run. Soon followed by Sarah. I turn to look at her, 'We need this.' She looked back at me and gave me a smile, 'Yes. Yes, we did.'

When we got back it was almost dark. We left around 10 o'clock this morning and it was nearly 9:30 now. "I bet the guys are worried about us." Both Sarah and I had managed to say at the same time. We burst into laughter and the guys walked out. "What's so funny?" we looked at each other and back at them, "Technically, you two are." They looked so confused. "How are we funny? And whether you like it or the situation at hand here will be addressed because I don't feel like stressing whether you two have seriously gone nuts or not."

I rolled my eyes at Parker being so bossy and walked past him into the house. Since it was late I decided to take a shower, along with the rest of my nighttime routines, and go to bed. Soon after Parker entered the room with an irritated look on his face, but it didn't faze me and I turned back over in the bed and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to something lying on me. I opened my eyes to see the most cut little kitten in my life, and it was just balled up on my stomach. I couldn't help the 'awe' that came out of my mouth. " I thought you would like her. Despite you being an overly large dog." I gave Parker the wildest look I could muster up and look back at the kitten my smile returning. "You know, Sarah says that you should go shopping with her and some of the other married female wolves. If you don't want to I completely understand, but I want to know something. Why are you ignoring me like I shot your best friend?" The look on my face was one of confusion and disorientation. 

"Is that really what you compared my look to? Of all things in this world, you compare my look to that? Wow, its a wonder fate put us together." He looked offended, but I kept going, "I understand that you want me to talk about what happened the day of the encounter with the witches, but I just want to continue on in my life like nothing ever happened because I think what happened that day was a blessing in disguise." His face, this time clearly had the confusion and disorientation, "You heard me. I wasn't ready for kids yet and now we don't have to have them until we are. Both of us. I'm sure you are because you're 'old'." I cracked a smile when he looked irritated again. When I was about to continue he stopped me and he started to talk.

"All I want is to know that you're okay. I also want to let you know that I think we need a break. Not a break-up! Not a break-up, but a break. I can't deal with you running off all the time not knowing when you'll come back or if you'll even come back at all. So, we just need some distance. I'll stay at the pack house if you want or I can stay in one of the guest rooms here. It's your choice. It's not that I don't love you anymore-" I stopped him from speaking as I got up and walked out of the room. Just before I was completely out of my room I turned to speak with tears rolling down my face,

"That's what they all say."

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