Chapter 5

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When I woke up I noticed that Parker wasn't beside me. I got out of bed and made it. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. When I got out I wrapped a towel around my body and brushed my teeth. I walked into my closet and changed into today's outfit, hoodie, jean shorts and long socks.
I walked to my office and did today's paperwork and some of tomorrow's and then Sarah walked in.
"Have you seen Jack or Parker?"
"No, when I woke up he was gone."
"Parker had told me though that if he was gone that he would probably just be running the boarder, they should be fine."
"Ok." She sounded worried but quickly masked it.
"What do we have to do today?" She asked.
"I finished just as you walked in. Let's go see if we can find the boys."
We walked outside and I went behind a tree to take my clothes off so they wouldn't rip when I shifted. When I walked out I noticed that Sarah had done the same.
'Ok I'll search the north and west borders and you search the south and east boarders. If you don't find anything then meet back here.'
'Ok.' With this I took off to the north and west boarders. When I got there I noticed there where rogues advancing into my land. I growled the loudest I've ever growled and got into a fight stance. They did the same and then launched themselves at me. I attacked the first one and snapped his neck. The next one jumped on my back and I rolled causing the wolf to fall off of me and I made quick work snapping his neck. The last one cowered away but I lunged at him and sliced his stomach killing him instantly.
I continued to run the boarder when Sadie whimpered.
'What's wrong?'
'I know where Parker is.'
'At the pack house.'
'Ok. Why was you whimpering?'
'It hurts too much to talk about. You'll have to wait and see.'
'I found Parker. Ask your wolf to find Jack. They might be in the same place but something isn't right.' I told Sarah.
'Ok. Is your wolf acting weird because Shannon is.' Shannon is her wolf but she is usually so quit that Sarah usually forgets she's there so that's not good.
'Yeah, Sadie was whimpering so I'm gonna go to the pack house. That's where she said Parker is at.'
I started my run to the pack house and when I got there I smelled Parker instantly. I went behind a tree and shifted back. I put a long t-shirt on the was stuffed under a tree and walked in. What I saw hurt. It hurt so bad I just stood there. Frozen.
"How could you?" My voice cracked.
"Elizabeth, let me explain." He said pulling away from the skinny little blonde girl.
"What is there to explain? I know what I saw and there isn't anything you can do to change what I have seen."
"No, I can't change that, but you know that I'm a player. I'm trying to change but it's not that simple."
"Once a player always a player. Right?" My voice cracked with every words as the tears started to pour down my face, soaking the shirt. I ran. I ran so fast that I was 5 miles away within a minute. When I stopped running I just sobbed. I didn't hold back the tears anymore. There was no point. My heart just shattered and nothing could change that. Nothing was going to change that.
'Where are you? Parker said you ran as soon as you got there. What happened?' I knew Sarah was worried but I didn't care, I couldn't care. As long as he's going to be like that then I guess I'm going to be alone for a long time. I'll become the strong leader I was going to be before he showed up. 'There was rogues at the northwest boarder. Make sure no more are trying to pass and clean up the mess. If any are trying to pass kill them all. No one survives.' I mind-linked the whole pack this time and heard a chorus of "yes alpha". I shifted, tearing the shirt I was wearing and ran. I ran to my house and shifted behind the tree where my clothes were. When I got dressed I walked into the house. I went straight to my office and did pack work. What surprised me was that there was no pack work to do, it was all done. Who did it? I thought to myself.
'Let's go to bed I'm out of energy. I just want to sleep. Our mate is a cheater so I just can't even deal with today.' Sadie was so irritated right now so she just wants to sleep.
"Ahhhhh!" I woke up screaming and sweating.
"Baby, baby what's wrong?" I heard Parker saying.
"It was just a dream. It was just a dream." I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath and then breathed out. I was crying. Parker took me in his arms and whispered little words in my ear.
"What was it about?"
"You cheated on me, with a girl in the pack." I said and I held on to him tighter.
"I was so scared. I thought it was real. You didn't come after me when I ran. You just gave up on me." I said to him.

..... "I would never give up on you."

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