Chapter 12

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"Hurry. You must wake every man."
"Elizabeth. We aren't pregnant. It can't be time for the war yet."
"It is, Sarah. We can't stop it. It is time. Stop freaking out. We can complete the mating process when we return."
"Okay, but are you sure we are for this war. I feel like there are so many things that we haven't learned."
"It will be fine we must go now."
I was so scared. I wasn't ready for a fight. I was terrified of possible loosing my mate. I was terrified of loosing this war. I am a royal now so I will be a main target. I know how to fight. I've been training since I was twelve. I was trained by the best.
(3rd person POV)

The fairies have arrived. They would be no match for the wolves on their own. It would take all species together to defeat the wolves. Unless they had the witches on their side. The witches were pronounced as neutral. They would not take sides.....or so they thought.
Witches were here with the fairies. They were both magical creatures. They both know dark magic. This would be a tough fight. Many wolves will die today. Sarah has found herself on the ground with a spell on her that keeps her from rising. Jack is fighting to get to her, fairies are keeping him from doing that.
Parker is killing witches and fairies back to back, but he doesn't see the wolves that have turned. He is about to get attacked by several rogues that were following Selena. In case you're wondering, Selena is the woman who is trying to take Parker from Elizabeth. She is a witch wolf mix. A very powerful woman. Elizabeth could easily beat her in a fight but she has other hybrids she must fight before she can fight Selena.
Many wolves are turning against the king and queen, but why? The witches and fairies keep coming. What Sarah and Elizabeth don't know is they have magic too. The moon goddess kept them from knowing this because it could hurt them if they don't use it correctly.
(Elizabeth's POV)

Wolves are turning. What's going on.
'Sarah, are you okay?'
'Yeah, but I have a spell on me I can't get up. Wait, what was it that our parents always told us.'
'What? When you stop chasing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to catch you?'
'Yes. Stop fighting.'
'Stop fighting!' I sent through mind-link to the whole kingdom. After it was sent I felt a mysterious power run through me.
'Do you feel it?'
'Yes, Sarah I feel it.' I was nervous of what that mysterious power meant. I felt the power coursing through me again. One minute I was normal Elizabeth, the next I was a flaming phoenix.
"Stop! You will not fight my wolves! I command you to leave my territory or my beta and I will just have to send you running."
All magical creatures that wasn't werewolf bowed down.
"Kill them all." Watching the attack was gross, blood going everywhere, body parts flying. When all killing was over wolves went back to the pack house. Being that we hadn't been royal long we didn't have the palace built yet. I knew that we still have vampires and witches coming, but with my newly found phoenix, they wouldn't be a problem.
"Elizabeth, what was that?" Parker had fear written all over his face. I smiled and walked up too him. I kissed him and grabbed his hand and ran to the house.
"I don't know what that was. I do know that it will help us win the next two fights. I also know that I love you and we have something that we was supposed to do before the fights to do." After hearing this his eyes grew and then he smiled and carried me to our room.
'You have something to do as well. Don't just sit there. You know what I'm talking about.' I sent this through mind-link to Sarah and after hearing this her cheeks grew red, but she did as she was told.

I was officially marked and mated. I couldn't be more happy to have been able be his. I was still scared of becoming a mother, but all-in-all I loved him and that was all that mattered. Parker came back into the room and laid beside me on the bed and put his arm across my body and pulled me too him.
"I love you. I just want you to know that. Are you hungry?"
"I love you too and no I'm not hungry, but thank you for offering to cook. Actually, I'm really tired." It wasn't even 5 o'clock in the night yet. I was definitely not going to sleep the whole night. "When I wake you up in the middle of the night, will you go to the kitchen with me?"
"Yes. I will go to the kitchen with you because I am going to sleep with you."
"Okay." Tonight's sleep would be great. Maybe I would sleep through the whole night.
—————-after she woke up—————-

I was right the first time. It was currently 1 o'clock.
"Parker. Wake up. I'm hungry."
"Ugh. Why did you have to wake up?" I kissed his face all over and just like that he was out of our bed kissing me.
"Okay, okay. I'm hungry. You said you would go downstairs with me."
"Fine." He sounds like a little kid when he whines like this.
"I love you."

"I love you too."

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