Chapter 3: Life is all about Acting

Start from the beginning

Between the mountains is a valley, empty like the void.

Atop the seas stands an island, straight as a tree.

I, who have seen over a hundred gourds, will not fall for your bait!

"From today onward, your name is Zero. The Germinal Organization is your home, your country, and your everything. You will forever be loyal to the organization and will forever strive to help the organization achieve its goals. You will neither hide anything from nor betray the organization. You will carry out your orders faithfully, and you will sacrifice yourself for the greater good when the time comes!"

Lin Wei Xian broke out in manic laughter.

"Your life belongs to the organization. You will do whatever you are ordered to do," he added.

"Who are you?" re-questioned Hila.

This time, Han Xiao knew that he had to reply. However, he did not reply immediately.

Hila shot a frown towards Lin Wei Xian.

"I followed the procedure! It's not my fault"

Suddenly, Han Xiao began to speak.

"I... am... Zero..."

Lin Wei Xian's eyes lit up.

"Valkyrie strengthened Zero's learning ability. However, as a side effect, it impaired his speech."

Hila thought back to Zero's earlier behavior. He had indeed responded slowly to his surroundings.

"Seems like the experiment was not perfect after all."

"You're wrong. This is perfection! He does not need emotions."

"...Take him to recover, I will report to the boss."

I'm safe now!

Han Xiao could finally relax. He had come up with the idea of acting slow to lower their guard during the procedure.

Although I didn't transmigrate to an ideal location, at least it's not so bad time-wise.

The Valkyrie experiment was the prototype of a later supersoldier project that implemented microchips into test subjects in order to ensure loyalty.

Transmigrating to then would have been way worse. They would have been able to blow him up anytime.

At least Lady Luck is smiling upon me in one regard!


Hila made a call through an encrypted line.

"Boss, the situation has stabilized."

"Is the brainwashing complete?"

The man's voice was hoarse.

"I oversaw the procedure. There was no issue. What arrangements do you have for Zero?"

"The Valkyrie experiment's aim is to train soldiers, so train him."

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