9-I think we can be great friends

Start from the beginning


"Own. it." she grins "now we are going to a party, our main mission is to steer clear of your brothers. I mean it shouldn't be that hard it's a huge party in the dark woods plus the amount of people, we can easily get away"

"Yeah," I nod

The chances of my brothers actually seeing us were low, the party was huge so it should be fun.

"Ready?" Em asks holding her arm out to me "We're taking Bockerman road so I wanna get there before sun down"

"Yeah that road creeps me the hell out" countless people have died on it. It's the one road in town where you can count on cops not being there, it's where all the drunk drivers drive after sun down. We all avoid that road at all costs after it gets dark.

"Me too, lets not worry about that though, let's go have fun"

"Hey girls!" Nico yells as he runs over to us

"Hey Nic" I smile as I give him a hug

"I just saw the guys, they went that way" he say pointing to the right

"And we'll be going this way" I laugh and pointing to the left

"Let me guess, they don't know you're here?" He questions with a raised brow, looking down at both Em and I. He always had a soft spot for us so I knew there was no way he was making us leave.

"Nope, the didn't want me to come cause college guys and shit...So I came anyway, if you can just do me a quick solid and not tell any one of the guys we are here, that would be great" I smile sweetly at him making him rolls his eyes

"You are lucky I love you Kalanski's, I'm already covering for Colton too"

"Yeah I saw that coming" I say laughing. My little brother was more conniving than Em and I combined.

"Thank you so much Nic!" I say giving him one last hug

"Yeah, yeah, now go have fun" he laughs before we walk away

Em and I make our way through the crowds of people to the keg and fill up two red solo cups. After chugging our first cup we fill another and jump into the crowd. We slink around, dancing with different people, getting more and more drinks and just laughing.

Nico eventually lit the bonfire at midnight and we all found different things to throw into it, some girls even threw their shirts and pants in. The party seemed to last forever, but that just might've been the copious amounts of alcohol speaking.

"Hey pretty ladies" Two frat-looking guys say to Em and I

"Hi" we both say politely

"can we get you two some drinks"

"No thanks" I say bluntly with a smile "never take drinks from strangers"

"Well here, I'm Gabe and this is Brett"

"Nice to meet you" Em smiles "I'm Emma and this is Belle"

"Nice to meet you too" Gabe grins "Now can we get you a drink"

"Nope" Em grins "we are both taking a break from drinking for now"

"Fair enough, but if I can't get you a drink can I at least have a dance?" Gabe asks her

Em looks at me to ask for permission and I just nod with a smile. I knew she wouldn't do anything stupid, that just wasn't her.

"Go, I'm good here" I smils, she immediately hops up and skips into the crowd with Gabe.
Brett immediately takes her seat beside me.

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