Part 12: Skittish Cats

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Once Jesse and Romeo arrived at Radar's office, Jesse knocked on the office door. The door was opened by Radar, who greeted her with a happy smile, but soon switched to his usual nervous intern demeanor. Radar had black eyes and gelled black hair. He wore black glasses, blue jeans, a green hoodie jacket that was unzipped, brown shoes with black bottoms, a blue tie, and a golden yellow cardigan with a white shirt under it.

"Hi Boss! I'd just like to inform you that Stampy and Stacy's cake and pie booth needs to be restocked. It would be great if you got to that as soon as possible. Or I could do it if you're... y'know, busy," Radar rambled. Romeo quizzically raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly as he wondered if Radar had noticed that he was there. He came to the conclusion that Radar hadn't noticed him because Radar was too wrapped up in the dessert booth issue.

"Actually, I was wondering if you could look after Beacontown while I'm gone," Jesse explained. Radar grinned ecstatically and jumped around in excitement.

"Thanks so much, Boss! I- I promise I'll be the best mayor Beacontown's ever had... other than you of course," Radar chirped. Jesse snickered and beamed at him.

"That's not setting a super high bar, because other than you only Romeo's been mayor... But I know you'll do great. By the way, you don't have to call me 'the Boss,' 'Mayor Jesse,' or... uh, 'Mayor Jesse the Boss,'" Jesse told him. Radar smiled and nodded.

"Got it, Boss-- er, Jesse! Sorry!" Radar apologized. A few moments later he noticed Romeo, became white as a sheet, and trembled in fear. "Uh... Jesse? What's the Admin doing here?" Radar squeaked. Jesse looked like she'd been smacked in the face.

"Um... Party? Fighting? Sleepover? Testing?" Jesse managed. Radar's expression transitioned from panicked to confused.

"You and the Admin were abducted by aliens at a party but you tried to fight them off... The aliens forced you to have a sleepover with them and experimented on you?" Radar guessed. Jesse blinked in surprise, then shook her head.

"Nope. That's not it. At all. I just lost my brain for a second there," Jesse replied. Radar's eyes widened.

"The aliens took your brain?!" Radar gasped. Romeo chuckled while Jesse seemed to be torn between amusement and disgust.

"No. No aliens. ...When I said I lost my brain, that was an expression," Jesse assured Radar as she tried not to smile or laugh.

"So... what's... the Admin... doing? Here?" Radar stammered. He was shaking like a leaf. Romeo decided there was no use in keeping the sunglasses on- and besides, he probably looked ridiculous- so he took them off and slipped them into his inventory.

"I prefer Romeo," Romeo stated. Radar became noticeably more terrified, which caused Romeo's stomach to twist into knots. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you! I- I'm here because Jesse and I had a sleepover last night and now she's going to take me to testing in Redstonia to see if I have any of my powers left," Romeo continued. He decided to leave out the fact that he and Jesse already knew that he still had at least some of his powers. For Romeo, talking to Radar was like trying to coax a skittish cat out from under a bed.  Even if you do somehow manage to be sweet, gentle, and non-threatening enough to get the cat out from under the bed (which usually didn't happen)... any sudden movements or other small things that scare it will cause it to dart right back under the bed.

"Okay," Radar whimpered. Jesse looked at Radar sympathetically.

"Radar, he's not gonna hurt you," Jesse assured. Radar still looked slightly nervous, but he calmed down a little and nodded. Romeo had finally gotten the cat to come out from under the bed.

"If you say he won't hurt me, I believe you. And he does seem nicer..." Radar answered. Romeo smiled, glad that Radar finally noticed.

"Thanks for trusting me. It means a lot. I hope the citizens don't give you too much trouble while I'm gone. See you real soon, Radar," Jesse replied. Radar beamed at her and waved goodbye as she and Romeo walked away

"Bye Jesse!" Radar called. Jesse waved back enthusiastically while Romeo gave Radar a much smaller and timid wave.

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