Part 16: Confessions

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"Don't mind me asking, but 'Beacontown's in danger' is a bit vague. What kind of danger is it in, exactly?" Olivia asked. Jesse put a hand on her hip.

"Not sure, we'll find out when we get there. Olivia, Lukas... put on some armor, then meet Romeo and I at Beacontown's gate," Jesse responded. Olivia and Lukas gave Jesse a nod of acknowledgement. Olivia then wrote a quick message to Calvin- which told him to run Redstonia while she was gone- and sent it down a clear tube. There was a sucking sound, then the message hurtled down the tube.

"Okay, that still leaves one of us not wearing armor though," Lukas pointed out. Jesse seemed to catch on to the fact that he was implying Romeo had no armor.

"So we cross our fingers and hope Romeo doesn't get too injured. All of my armor only really works for me... so unless he can spontaneously create some armor, I've got nothin'," Jesse answered.

"Because I don't have a good track record for my powers working recently, I think any armor I create at this point would look cool but won't actually provide any protection," Romeo told her. Jesse smiled wryly.

"That's helpful. Useless armor that looks cool will totally save your life," Jesse added sarcastically. Olivia grabbed her armor from one of her chests and put it on. It was black, white, and red with brown boots. The armor also had a red and gold helmet, along with gold goggles with black lenses. Lukas- who had come prepared- took his light gray and black armor, along with his brown shoes and light gray goggles with black lenses out of his inventory and put each piece of his outfit on.

Romeo couldn't help but feel out of place. He was the only person present without armor, the only one who wasn't a member of the New Order of the Stone, the only individual who was hated instead of adored by the public, the only soul in the room that wasn't completely human. He was different, but he could use that to his advantage.

"I'm going to try and teleport us all to Beacontown. I know last time I tried to teleport it didn't work, but now I think I know what I did wrong. Using my powers is second nature to me. But they didn't work because-- well, I was holding myself back and... I was scared. I'm going to try using them now, even though I'm really nervous," Romeo stated. Olivia raised her hand halfway.

"Um... is teleporting going to be unpleasant or nauseating? Will it cause me to throw up inside my body?" Olivia questioned.

"You actually don't feel anything. It's really weird," Romeo told her. Olivia looked baffled, as if wondering how that was possible. She then knitted her eyebrows together in thought... she was likely trying to figure out how that would be possible. "Alright, so none of you are confused when we're suddenly not here anymore, I'm telling you that I'm teleporting us all now. I repeat, I am teleporting us all now. Three... two... one..." Romeo announced. To Romeo's delight, they appeared in front of Beacontown's gate surrounded by purple teleport particles. Romeo beamed and quickly turned his head to Jesse. "I did it! I actually did it!" Romeo gasped. The particles faded as Jesse smiled back.

"Not to interrupt all of the celebrating, but I think I see the Blaze Rods over there," Lukas piped up. He pointed at the Blaze Rods, who were inside of Beacontown and fighting two people. One of them, who was locking her gold sword with Aiden's iron sword, had shoulder length auburn hair and black eyes. She wore a striped turquoise bandana, a gold and blue short-sleeved armor dress- missing a sleeve on the right side, a black fingerless glove on her right hand, black boots, and a black long-sleeved shirt with her right sleeve rolled up. The other- who was fighting Maya and Gill with nothing but his fists- was bulky and black-haired with a unibrow and black eyes. His outfit's ensemble was dark gray fingerless gloves, brown khaki pants, and a green plaid jacket with rolled up sleeves that opened up to show a black t-shirt with a white skull.

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