Part 20: Epilogue

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Ivor was going on a nighttime trip to Jack and Nurm's Adventure Emporium to pick up a treasure map. During his late night outing his dark brown hair was tied up in a bun and his beard was medium length. He wore his gray, black, and blue ninja outfit. (Though without the mask of course, because that tended to scare citizens.)

Suddenly he heard the fluttering of a cape. His black eyes darted around until he finally found the source of the noise... a figure draped in shadow that was running from the back of one building to the back of the next. Ivor couldn't tell much about the person except that they were wearing a long black cape, a black jumpsuit that covered their entire body, a hood over their head, black boots, and a black helmet that hid their head. (Very fashionable attire, in Ivor's opinion. The cape and helmet were magnificent.)

He decided to follow the cloaked individual, who was sprinting through the streets. The cloaked individual eventually stopped when they made it to a Nether brick tower on the outskirts of Beacontown. 

The tower had redstone torches decorating the top of it. It also had lots of lava, netherrack, and fire around it. (Ivor had to appreciate the beauty of the tower. It looked menacing and had fire and lava!)

"Target... let me in," the cloaked individual ordered. Their voice was deep and raspy, most likely altered by a voice modifier.

"Perhaps the mystery person is Cassie what's-her-name? She seems to love those voice modifiers," Ivor thought.

"I almost didn't recognize you with that voice modifier. Where did you get it?" a voice from the tower- "Target"- responded. Ivor knew that Target's voice was definitely one of a male.

The cloaked individual laughed, which sounded like the kind of thing that would give children nightmares.

"I stole it from Cassie Rose, alias the White Pumpkin. It was almost too easy to steal her device. All I needed to do is say 'How did you escape the endermites, White Pumpkin?' and the poor girl was thrown into a panic. It was the perfect distraction to grab her device without her noticing. The thing is really handy, you know. Now I'll wear it whenever I report back to you... so I won't risk the YouTubers finding out that one of their own is working for the infamous Hit the Target." The cloaked individual paused for a moment. 

"So the cloaked individual isn't Cassie what's-her-name... interesting," Ivor whispered to himself.

"People are my chess pieces. I choose who to play, who to sacrifice, who to manipulate. All I need to do is find the strengths and weaknesses of each piece... and checkmate," the cloaked individual stated. 

Ivor could feel the cloaked individual grinning beneath their helmet. 

Minecraft Story Mode Season 3, Episode 1: PowerlessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant