Part 9: Lukas To The Rescue

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Once they had arrived, Jesse gestured to the ten stands at the end of the New Order Hall. Each one had its own set of armor on it. "Okay, I know which one I want already. You can browse," Jesse told Romeo. Jesse took Swordbreaker- a blue, white, and yellow armor set that covered everything except her head- off of its stand and slipped it on over her clothes.

Romeo observed the remaining nine armor sets... but each one his eyes glazed over just didn't feel right. In any of that armor, he would feel about as comfortable as someone with perfect eyesight wearing prescription glasses.

Jesse approached him and looked over the armor sets. "You having trouble deciding?" Jesse asked. Romeo shook his head.

"No, it's not that," Romeo said. Jesse studied his face, and then smiled at him as if she somehow knew how he felt.

"You're totally right. None of them are exactly your style," Jesse replied. Romeo blinked in surprise. How did she know what he was thinking? By now Romeo was convinced that she was a mind reader.

"Are you sure you're not a mind reader?" Romeo questioned. Jesse let out one of her clear, light, and warm laughs.

"I'm sure I'm not a mind reader, just really good with people. Like, really good," Jesse boasted.

"Well, she's definitely proud of her abilities... to the point where you could call her smug," Romeo thought.

"So, about the armor... You'll probably be fine for now, since you do still have some of your powers. I'll ask Ivor to make an armor set for you sometime in the near future," Jesse decided. Romeo tilted his head to the left.

"I thought all of your friends didn't like me," Romeo commented. Jesse beamed at him and shrugged.

"I'll just ask Ivor and see where it goes from there," Jesse replied. She took a clock out of her inventory and glanced at it. Her expression instantly became one of panic and she slipped the clock back into her inventory. "Holy crud, we're gonna be late!" Jesse gasped. She dashed out of the New Order Hall and Romeo sprinted after her.

By the time Jesse and Romeo had made it to Lukas' house, they were exhausted and out of breath. Jesse wearily knocked on the door, and Lukas answered a few seconds later. He wore black shoes, a brown belt, blue jeans, and a black long-sleeved jacket- which was unzipped to show a purple and white striped shirt.

"Are... we... late?" Jesse managed to choke out. Lukas shook his head.

"You guys are right on time. Jesse, are you okay?" Lukas responded. Jesse and Romeo took several gasps of air before they finally managed to catch their breath.

"Yeah. I'm definitely fine," Jesse replied. To emphasize her point, she put two thumbs up and grinned. She then dropped her hands back to her side. "...Just maybe a little out of breath from running all the way here," Jesse admitted. Lukas smiled at her and chuckled.

"So how are we going to get to Redstonia?" Lukas asked. The corners of Jesse's mouth turned upwards.

"Well... last night I found out Romeo can get us to Redstonia very quickly. Romeo, can you demonstrate?" Jesse said. Romeo nodded and attempted to teleport, but nothing happened.

"Teleport... teleport... come on," Romeo thought. He shut his eyes tightly and opened them. He hadn't moved an inch. Lukas raised an eyebrow... he didn't seem impressed, just confused.

"Uh... is something supposed to happen?" Lukas asked. Jesse turned her head to Lukas and nodded.

"He's supposed to teleport," Jesse responded. Romeo tried teleporting again, but this attempt was as unsuccessful as the last. "Maybe we should just use the Order of the Stone's minecart network," Jesse sighed. She took obsidian out of her inventory and built a Nether portal out of it. Jesse patted her pockets and frowned. "Crud. I don't have a flint and steel," Jesse stated. Lukas lifted a flint and steel out of his inventory and smiled at her. "Lukas to the rescue," Jesse said as she accepted the flint and steel.

"Aww, thanks. It was really just luck though. I had s'mores for breakfast before you guys arrived," Lukas explained.

"Romeo and I had macarons for dinner," Jesse added. Lukas pursed his lips.

"Jesse, macarons shouldn't be the only thing you eat for dinner," Lukas chided. Jesse stifled a laugh and placed her hands on her hips.

"Says the guy that had s'mores for breakfast," Jesse retorted. Lukas' mouth dropped open and he raised his eyebrows in an elaborate gesture of faux offense. He and Jesse then suddenly burst into laughter. After the two of them stopped laughing, Jesse lit the Nether portal. Lukas grinned and gestured to the portal.

"Ladies first," Lukas told her. Jesse smiled at him.

"Huh. Looks like chivalry isn't dead after all," Jesse teased. Romeo's eyes darted to Lukas, and saw that Lukas smiled and blushed. "Maybe we should get into the portal," Jesse suggested. Lukas chuckled and nodded. Jesse began to sprint towards the portal. "ADVENT--!" Jesse began. She suddenly stopped in her tracks. "Aaand no one's left in charge of Beacontown," Jesse realized.

"You go find a temporary replacement. Take your time. I'll wait here and watch the portal," Lukas assured her. Jesse nodded, and then she and Romeo walked to Beacontown's gate. 

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