Part 19: Some Advice On The Xara Situation

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Soon Jesse, Olivia, Axel, Lukas, Petra, and Romeo arrived at Jesse's kitchen and sat down at the spruce wood table. Jesse served each of them- and herself- a mug of classic hot chocolate and a slice of vanilla cake.

"Okay, now that we all have food and hot chocolate... Does anyone know anything about this Hit the Target guy?" Jesse questioned. Everyone shook their heads. Axel devoured his entire slice of cake and washed it down with hot chocolate.

"Uh, can I have an entire cake?" Axel asked with a smile. Jesse grinned and shook her head in disbelief, then complied with his wishes and brought him a full sized vanilla cake. Axel's eyes lit up and he happily took a bite out of the cake.

"Okay, so none of you know anything about Hit the Target. Has anyone at least seen or heard anything suspicious?" Jesse continued. Axel looked up from his cake and raised an eyebrow.

"What about tasting anything suspicious?" Axel suggested. Jesse looked slightly concerned.

"Please don't taste anything suspicious," Jesse said as calmly as she could. She then lifted her hot chocolate mug to her lips and tilted it back. Romeo decided now would be the perfect time to tell Jesse what he'd seen in the Nether on the way to Redstonia.

"I saw Cassie Rose in the Nether!" Romeo blurted out. Petra, Jesse, Lukas, Olivia, and Axel's eyes widened. Jesse choked on her hot chocolate.

"Wait... what?!" Jesse exclaimed. Romeo closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then opened his eyes and made eye contact with Jesse.

"I saw Cassie Rose on the way to Redstonia while we were on the Order of the Stone's minecart network. She was walking around in a Nether Fortress. I watched her for a bit... but then she noticed me, froze, and ran. Her expression when she knew someone- that someone being me- had seen her was the expression of a person who'd been caught doing something they shouldn't have," Romeo explained. Jesse looked exasperated.

"Romeo, you're supposed to tell people stuff like this," Jesse sighed.

"Sorry. I just didn't want to make anyone worried," Romeo told her. Jesse nodded and there was a moment of silence.

"It's okay. But next time just tell us. You're sure it was Cassie?" Jesse replied.

"Yeah, she had long bright red hair and glasses," Romeo answered. Lukas tilted his head.

"How do you even know who she is or what she looks like?" Lukas questioned. Romeo held up Lukas' book. "I didn't know you got that far in my book," Lukas said.

Romeo blushed and smiled sheepishly. "I... may have peeked at a page in a Portal to Mystery after Jesse started spoiling it," Romeo confessed. Lukas' head moved up and down.

"Okay, that makes sense," Lukas responded. He seemed to be struggling not to snicker.

Romeo placed the book on the table and continued to speak. "I'm not sure what she would be doing in the Nether, though."

"Building a secret evil lair with lots of cats?" Petra joked. Olivia turned her head to Petra.

"Petra, you've been to the Nether a lot. Why do you go there?" Olivia asked. Petra shrugged and took a sip of her hot chocolate.

"Just to get skulls and other stuff," Petra answered. Romeo's eyes expanded.

"You collect skulls?!" Romeo shouted. Petra rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"No, stupid. I sell them to other people," Petra grumbled. This just made Romeo's eyes widen more.

"You sell skulls to other people?!" Romeo gasped. Petra slapped a palm to her forehead.

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