Part 5: The Walking Dead... Are Not a Problem Right Now

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"I think I should give you a quick tour. Right now, we're on the first floor... which is basically the lobby," Jesse said. She walked up to an elevator at the end of the lobby, which had five buttons on it labeled one through five. Jesse pressed button number two and the elevator doors opened. She and Romeo walked into the elevator. Jesse pressed a button that was labeled with a two once both of them were inside, the doors closed, and the elevator began to rise.

A moment later the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened to the second floor. "The second floor is the main floor. On it you'll find the kitchen, the dining room, the movie theater, the library, two of the bathrooms, the lounge, the study, the swimming pool, and the gym," Jesse explained. She pressed the third floor button and the doors closed, only opening once the elevator reached the third floor. "The third floor is the floor with all of the offices- like mine and Radar's, the mail room, the file room, and two more bathrooms," Jesse continued. Next she pressed the fourth button. The doors closed, the elevator rose to the fourth floor, and the doors opened. "Here's my personal favorite floor... the fourth. Here you'll find my bedroom, another bathroom, Radar's bedroom, and twelve guest bedrooms. I would take you to the fifth floor, but I'm really the only person that's allowed to go up there," Jesse stated. Romeo was instantly curious about this secret fifth floor.

"But why?" Romeo asked.

"The fifth floor has a confidential file room and five storage rooms. The confidential file room is why no one else is allowed to visit the fifth floor. Okay, I want you to really understand why you can't go up there... the file room contains everything about everyone I know- and most of those people don't want me sharing their personal information. So if I showed you the confidential file room... it would be like if you gave me your diary, asked me not to show anyone, and I started letting all my friends read it without your permission. Get what I mean?" Jesse answered. Romeo nodded and Jesse pressed the third floor button. The elevator doors closed and they began to descend. "Great. I have a lot of paperwork to get done, so I don't think we'll have time for anything but dinner and sleeping. But we can still talk while I work," Jesse informed. This wasn't exactly the sleepover Romeo had in mind, but it definitely wasn't going to be boring. Jesse could make watching paint dry fun.

The elevator door opened... they were now on the third floor. Jesse and Romeo exited the elevator, the elevator doors closed, and Romeo followed Jesse to a birch door. The door had a golden plate with words carefully inscribed on it- "Office of Jesse Taber, Hero In Residence." Jesse took the keyring out of her inventory, inserted the quartz key in the lock, turned the key, and opened the door. Romeo and Jesse walked into her office and she closed the door.

Jesse's office had quartz walls, an oak plank floor, and a quartz ceiling. One of the walls had a medium sized cork board attached to it, which had non-lined notecard reminders and pictures of Jesse's friends attached to it. Sometimes Jesse was in the picture with them, sometimes she wasn't, but most of the pictures were group ones and the people in the pictures varied. In the far center of Jesse's office was an oak wood desk with an oak wood chair behind it. On the desk, there was a gold nameplate bearing Jesse's name, a pen lying on top of a piece of paper, a mountain of paperwork, Lukas' book with a bookmark in the middle, and a folder. The desk had one final item- an affectionately placed picture of Jesse, Axel, Olivia, Lukas, and Petra together. When Romeo saw it, his eyes welled with tears. The picture reminded him of his days with Fred and Xara, before their friendship fell apart.

"I hardly ever get to see them anymore," Jesse sighed. Romeo turned his head to Jesse and noticed that she, too, was staring at the picture with a heartbroken expression. "That picture used to help me get through a long day, but now it just makes me miss what things were like before," Jesse continued.

"I understand," Romeo empathized.

"I know you do," Jesse responded, smiling at him warmly. "The picture was taken when we were seventeen, after we'd beaten the Witherstorm. We decided to take a celebratory group picture in our armor," Jesse recalled. She shook her head and let out a little laugh. "We had literally no idea of how many more adventures we were going to have. Sorry if I rambled... I'd better get started on my paperwork now or I'll be up until twelve AM. I know it's only five PM, but my paperwork looks like it's gonna take five hours... maybe four if I'm lucky," Jesse said. She pulled out her desk chair, lowered herself onto the chair, picked up her pen, and grabbed the first piece of paper from the stack. "So... just curious, how much paperwork did you have when you were impersonating me?" Jesse asked as she read the words on the piece of paper. 

"At least three hours a day. It was torture," Romeo complained.

"I know, right?" Jesse agreed. She signed her name at the bottom of the paper, dropped the paper in a mail slot next to her desk, and took the next piece of paper from the stack. "Sometimes if I'm lucky I'll only have two hours of paperwork and the most I've ever gotten is, like, ten hours," Jesse told him.

"Ten hours? Your citizens do know that's inhumane, right?" Romeo quipped.

"Either they don't know or enjoy watching me suffer," Jesse responded. She began to read the paper and burst into laughter.

"What's so funny? It's just a signed document, isn't it?" Romeo questioned.

"It's actually one of my citizens telling me that there's an impending zombie apocalypse," Jesse answered as she tried to hold back giggles. Romeo snickered a little after he heard what was on the paper. "I also got one yesterday asking if Radar was plotting world domination," Jesse grinned. The idea of Radar planning world domination made Romeo laugh so hard he could barely breathe. After a moment, he regained his composure.

"I can't imagine Radar attempting to take over the world," Romeo chuckled.

"Neither can I," Jesse responded. She picked up a blank piece of paper and began to write something on it. "'No, the zombie apocalypse is not coming. There's not much zombies left because Petra has been using them all as target practice. Sincerely, Jesse Taber- Hero In Residence,'" Jesse said as she wrote on the paper. She dropped the paper in the mail slot. "That letter I just read was me trying to tell the person who thought the zombie apocalypse was coming 'you're crazy' in the nicest possible way," Jesse quipped. 

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