28. Sow the seeds of discord

Start from the beginning

"Don't look so surprised, Zayn! You always wanted a house full of kids or am I wrong? Have you changed your mind about that?" I say reproachfully and release myself from his embrace.

"No, no...not at all. But right now and right away ?" he replies a bit bewildered.

"Zayn, I'm getting older and it's never the right time. We have a lot of money, a big house, a huge garden. What more do we want? Come on, let's make babies, shall we? Call Styles and tell him that you have other plans for the evening, okay?" I ask him sweetly.

" It's just kind of sudden, that's all, Gigi. Of course I want kids, but not right now. We still have all the time in the world".

He kisses me on the forehead and runs into the kitchen.

"What's wrong with that? I'll follow him in the kitchen.

"But, I'm going out with Harry and we'll talk about this tomorrow , okay?" he answers visibly annoyed.

"Fine! Why are you still here, then? Harry seems to be more important to you than I am," I scream and tears shoot my eyes.

"What is this Gigi! Why are you making such a scene ? We drink beer and talk. We do nothing forbidden, Gigi. Why are you making such a big deal out of this now," he rumbles back.

"Because you hardly notice me. You don't touch me anymore, you hardly kiss me. You see through me, Zayn! Only two things are important to you: the work and Harry Styles!

My husband listen to me stony-faced. I can literally see him thinking. Why does he look like he's seen a ghost? Struck a nerve, have I? , I think. Is there anything to my suspicion that he might have a weakness for men and Harry in particular? The thing with the necklace is not forgotten yet. For some time we stare at each other.

"What gave you that idea,Gigi?," he says and holds me firmly in his arms.

I snuggle into him and take a deep breath of his scent of vanilla. Zayns lips touch my ear and my neck.

"Listen, honey. I go out with Harry as planned and when I get home, we are going to make a Baby. What do you think of that?", he purrs.

There's a big grin on my face. So he wants children with me after all. My thoughts that Harry might be more important to him are immediately off the table. I probably have a vivid imagination, I admonish myself.

"That sounds wonderful, honey, and I can hardly wait," I whisper to him.


Louis enjoys the silence during the drive. He was left to his thoughts and flashbacks from early this morning kept hitting him. The radio is off and he only hears engine sounds. During the drive he saw endless forests, many rivers and some isolated timber buildings. The lush green of nature soothe him.

He hopes to find the necklace at Gigi's. Louis needs this piece of jewellery so badly. He need it for leverage one day.

A few minutes later he parks his car in front of Harry's front door and strolls the last few meters to the Maliks. He's not excited, his heart beats calmly and steadily. He's a little confused about that. Tomlinson, are you already so hardened? Louis fights doggedly for a bit of personal happiness. Money and success don't give him that. At this point the man realizes how lonely he actually is.

Nobody welcomes me to my apartment in the evening with a smile on the face and a kiss. It's dark when I leave and it's dark when I come home in the evening. Worst of all, it's always quiet in the apartment. He doesn't want to die as a embittered man.

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now