57. My heart is beating faster than yours

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At ten o'clock I arrive at the publishing house's office building. Ben is probably already waiting for me. His secretary eyes me curiously as I enter her outer office.

"Good morning," I say in greeting and take my documents under my arm so that the loose sheets of paper don't fall out of the folder.

"Morning. There you are, Mr. Styles", grins the receptionist mysteriously and rubs her palms together. I'm surprised. 

"I'm Becky." she says and reaches out her hand briskly.

"Harry," I mumble, reaching for her Hand.

"Shall I tell you something?" I'm nodding. 

She keeps me waiting and makes it exciting. What does she want to tell me?

"My boss is already very excited and has transformed his office into a restaurant. Well, you didn't hear this from me, Harry." 

" What?" I am blushing. "What does that mean, he transformed his office into a restaurant?"

I stopped, in front of her table, not sure what to do and condemn this meeting which seems to get out of control after only a few seconds.

"Miss, you haven't answered my question. What ..."

The young woman interrupts me in the middle of the sentence: "Oh, that. Well, I think Mr. Winston has a little weakness for you, Harry," giggles Becky and draws hearts on a paper. "Well, he doesn't talk about it, but since he went to lunch with you, he's been acting like a teenager... if you know what I mean. And as a woman, I know exactly what that means."

Confused about what she's saying, I shake my head.

"No, I don't think I quite understand what you mean. What exactly are you trying to tell me, Becky?"

"Well, it's not that hard, Harry. He is in love with you. You have turned his head. All right?"

A huge smile graces her lips and her blue eyes are shining with joy. You might think Becky is the one who found her great love.

"Oh." I murmur, and I'm completely at a loss.

"Oh? Is that all? Not exactly the joy I imagined," she says. The pretty secretary is shaking her head. "You're not exactly what is called an exuberant person, Harry."

"Becky, listen. I'm a little uncomfortable with this conversation. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about and hardly know your boss. Do you understand? And to get to the point: I am happily married - to a woman."

She rises from her chair, runs to the copier, puts in some papers and explains by the way:

"So what? Come on, be brave. So you're married? Oh, it's not the end of the world! Who knows, maybe you'll fall in love with my boss. Are you sure you're not bisexual after all?"

Becky is laughing hard at her joke, which I don't find funny. If she only knew how close she is to the truth.

"But now go to the office and good luck." When I say goodbye she winks at me and I feel as if I' m in a gay bar and have my first date with a man.

Has everyone gone crazy?

Ben's secretary discouraged me. I don't know what to expect. An editor in love who wants to seduce me? I really wasn't expecting that. That's just what I needed! Zayn is still in my mind. It takes months, maybe even years to come to terms with all this.

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now