59. Thorns

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The dark green van stops with squeaking tyres in front of one of the modern detached houses. A messenger carefully lifts out the huge bouquet of flowers. His whole car smells of the pink, long-stemmed roses. One last time the young man checks the goods and sees if the tiny card in the envelope is also there.

One hundred of roses - in all his professional years he never had to deliver one hundred of roses at once.


Did it just ring at the door or am I wrong? I hurry through the garden into the living room and from there into the hallway. As soon as I open the front door, I look into a fragrant sea of flowers. Unfortunately I can't see the messenger, because he is completely covered by the flowers. Only the tips of the shoes peep out. I smile at this sight.

"Hello." it sounds behind the pink tissue paper. "This is a flower delivery for Styles."

Pretty surprised I stand in front of our blocked entrance and I lack the words.

"Oh, what a surprise. A delivery for Styles, you said? You've come to the right place," I babble excitedly. "For heaven's sake, who sends me this oversized bouquet?" I want to know curiously from the deliverer.

"I don't know, Mrs Styles. The bouquet was ordered in London, but a card is also included. So you will find out who is giving you this pleasure."


"So if you could please take the bouquet off my hands," begs the man who is still struggling with the weight of the flowers.

With great effort I take over the perfect specimen and lift it into our hallway.

"From London did you say?" The messenger is sweating with the effort. He nods to me and gives me a delivery note.

"Can you give me a receipt for the flowers?"

"London? Who on earth do I know in London? Never mind. Just look at these roses. Have you ever seen this before? Just smell these Roses, mmmh so wonderful," I say and notice at the same time, that he wants to go. The young man is completely overwhelmed with me and the flowers.

He just shrugs his shoulders, mumbles "have a nice day" and disappears from the landing to get into his car as quickly as possible.

"Harry! Harry, please come downstairs and have a look at this," I call excitedly up to the bedroom.

My husband comes running to the banister of the upper floor, takes a look into the living room and is amazed. Well, he's not as surprised as I expected, but at least he's perplexed. He comes down the stairs and stands in the middle of the living room.

"Oh, what's that?" he says in amazement at the huge bunch of flowers.

"Those are flowers, darling."

He raises his eyebrows and looks offended.

"I see that too, Taylor."

Conciliatorily I put my arm around his waist.

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now