28. Sow the seeds of discord

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It's getting late. The street lights are lit as he leaves his office and the city is almost deserted and quiet. All the images from the surveillance cameras are still in his mind. He had seen so much his head was spinning. Zayn was so intimate with Harry. Oh, he hated that. Why is life so unfair?

For years he wandered around, had no love affair because he didn't want to or couldn't commit himself. Love? He had never felt love for anyone. From time to time he would wander through clubs and bars and take a young man home with him, to spend a night together and satisfy his longing for physical affection. The next morning he was alone again with cigarettes, coffee and dirty bed sheets. This was his life until he met Zayn Malik.

Louis rejects the sad thoughts and drives to his apartment. He takes a shower, eats the old sandwich of this morning and gets ready for his visit to Gigi Malik. During the last days he was often worried whether he should give up after all or not. The man knows that Zayn is head over heels in love with his friend Harry and at the same time married to a woman. Why did it have to be this painter with whom Harry cheats on his wife? The whole thing prey on his mind.

The next second, however, he succumbs to his feelings again and thinks about his plan. Why can't I be happy ,too? he reflects. I have been alone long enough. Finally I've found the man with whom I could imagine a life together. I cannot give him up. I only wish myself a little bit of happiness.

An hour later Louis gets into his car and drives to the quiet outskirts of the city.


My day off was really relaxing. Together with Taylor I was jogging and afterwards we spotted a nice café, where we spent two hours chatting about the day.

"Honey?," it calls from the top floor.

"What's the matter, darling?" I answer a little annoyed.

Zayn won't be home in the evening. He spends it with Harry in the pub. They could also drink few beers at home, then at least I would have company. That annoys me. If he doesn't work in his studio for hours, he goes out with our neighbour. Sometimes I long for the good old days and the perfect harmony with Zayn. I remember exactly how angry he was when I invited the Styles.He wanted everything to stay the way it is. Well Gigi, you probably got yourself into this. I think silently.

"When do you have to leave, Zee?"

"Harry will pick me up at 8, honey." he answers.

"Why don't you just stay here and sit on the terrace?" I whine and press a kiss on his soft lips.

Zayn doesn't kiss her back.

"It's a men's night out, baby. Already forgotten?

"Of course not, how could I. When are we going to spend an evening together?" I grumble.

"It's been ages since we did something romantic . We could go out for dinner, then go to an expensive club to dance and end up drunk in bed and..."

"And what?" he asks mischievously and looks me in the eye.

My arms hang around his neck and my body presses against his. Zayn kisses me.

"Keep talking, baby. We end up in bed and doing what?" he asks and nibbles at my neck and down to my shoulders.

"Let's make babies...cute little Malik babies with black hair and big brown eyes," I whisper into his ear.

"Babies? Seriously, Gigi?" he laughs.

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now