2. The Move

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Finally... it's moving day. Our start into a new life, into a new home. In front of the old flat in the middle of a busy street the furniture vans park. One last time I look up at our windows. A little melancholy comes up. This is where Harry and I spent the past few years. It was a wonderful time with a lot of joy and love. We enjoyed the proximity to the street cafés, to the clubs and to civilization. Life pulsated, just like us. Gradually, however, the hectic of our every day life became too much for us. We longed for idyll and peace. So it was time to find a new home far away from the noise. We finally wanted to start a family. And where better to do that than in a small tranquil place. We move.

Harry waves his hands in excitement. He directs the helpers and the heavy boxes to the moving vans. Every now and then he tucks his dark brown curls behind his ears so that they don't fall in his face all the time. His face is reddened, beads of sweat are on his forehead. He is excited, too. Last night we barely slept. Many images went through our minds. We are looking forward to life on the outskirts of the city. It is only a few kilometres from the centre. So the ride doesn't take too long.

I am blessed with him. He is the best and most beautiful man one could wish for. I've been at his side for half a life and have not regretted a minute of it. He spoils me wherever he can. I enjoy his undivided attention. My friends envy me for Harry. He is a successful author and often he really gets for hours into his work. In the evening we sit together on the sofa, a glass of wine in our hands and he reports on his latest book. We are two soul mates.


My greatest wish comes true today. Silence. With my wife I travel towards the absolute oasis. I have always hated city life. It was never conducive to my work. The perpetual street noise led me to the brink of despair. The only highlight were the adjoining cafés. There I met friends and publishers.

Today a new chapter of life begins for both of us. I am full of joy and excitement. What will our neighbours be like? Can I work there in peace? When we bought the house a few months ago, they were unfortunately not there. In this respect, the unknown awaits us.

I say without melancholy "Adieu" to the city and "Bonjour" to the country life.

Exhausted, Taylor and I getting in our black van. She leans her pretty head back and breathes deeply. "Wow, Harry. I'm so excited to see what the first night in the house will be like," she says, "Baby, I hope it'll be quiet," I answer and take her small hand in mine. "Quiet?" she purrs. "The first night in the new house and you want it to be quiet?" She laughs loudly and looks seductive. "Darling...the night is getting loud and hot. I can promise you that already. I roll my eyes at the thought. "I don't think I can come up to your expectations tonight. Call me selfish, but later I only want a cool beer, you in my arms and a restful night. Everything else can wait till tomorrow," I yawn. "Oh, Harry, you sound like a pensioner," Taylor moans and looks out the window.

After a half hour drive our car turns into the new settlement. Once more around the bend and we stand in front of our new home. The house is actually too big for us. We are childless. Our take on having kids? We're still undecided, because both of us are too busy. But who knows? Maybe the country air makes more desire on sex.

It is a modern building and it's a lot like the neighbouring property. Taylor absolutely wanted a huge window front and lots of greenery. That's what we have now. Overjoyed we open the house and enter. All the rooms are still without furniture. In a few hours the rooms will be halfway furnished and hopefully we will feel at home.

We let the men do their work and inspect the garden. Arm in arm we run across the lawn. Taylor stops and pulls me to her. She kisses me full of happiness and whispers tender things into my ear. I am happy when she is. From the corner of my eye I can see a movement behind the glass pane of the neighbours. I can only see the person vaguely. Curiosity doesn't stop here either, I think. Well then, Here's to becoming good neighbours!"

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now