50. M / S

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Louis is still in an induced coma. The many medical apparatuses to which he is connected always beep in the same rhythm. It's frightening and I have to pull myself together that I don't start crying again.

Pale and delicate, he lies in the large bed, his beautiful hair sticking to his forehead, the rest of the head is bandaged. I wish he would discern me if I took his hand. Maybe he feels my presence. At least that's what I want to believe.

Tomorrow I will start reading aloud. My husband and I decided to read from Harry's manuscript. Perhaps this will help him to recover.

While I am still worrying about him, an older nurse enters the room. Her pure white coat glows brightly and makes no difference to the whitewashed walls of the room. Only the many medical devices are the colored contrast to them. It is so frustrating. I hate hospitals and their strong smells. The nurse walks busily to the hospital bed, checks the equipment and then turns to me.

"Mrs. Styles, the police just brought all Mr. Tomlinson's personal effects. We can't keep them here at the hospital and would like to give them to you. Would that be all right?" 

In her hand she holds a bag and a small parcel. She looks overtired, probably having had a long shift today. 

"Of course," I mumble and receive the things.

"Can you give me a receipt, please?" she asks and hands me a note and a pen. Her hand trembles a little as I receive both.

I hastily sign the papers and try to look friendly. I stuff the package into my handbag without taking a closer look at it. It's amazing what Lou carries with him.

"Oh and something else, Mrs. Styles," she adds friendly. "We still need some clean clothes for the patient. If you'd be so kind as to bring him some," she says.

"Of course. I'll drive to his apartment later and bring some clothes by tonight. That's no problem at all," I answer.

"Just give it to my colleague. I won't be here later. My work ends in half an hour."

"It was a turbulent night, wasn't it?" I ask her and get a slight nod.

"You can say that again! One never gets a minute's peace around here."

 The room door opens and Harry walks in. He is my relief. I am also quite exhausted and almost fall asleep after spending most of the night at Louis' side.

"Go home, darling," he whispers to me, stroking a strand of hair from my face and sitting next to Lou at the bed. Sympathetically he looks at him and takes his hand. "You look exhausted, Taylor. Go home now. I'm taking care of him. Is there anything I should know?" he wants to know.

"No, nothing. It's all the same," I sigh.

Grateful for his coming, I kiss his cheek. I leave the sterile room relieved and am pleased to finally be able to breathe fresh air again.

At home I finally put on comfortable clothes and change out the high heels. Breathing a sigh of relief I take a cup of tea and get the small packet out of my handbag. It looks pretty damaged. The brown paper is soiled on some sides and torn. In some places sticks dried blood. Despite the severe collision it isn't completely broken. A miracle. Just as I'm about to put it aside, my eyes catch two letters on it that make me wonder. M / S .

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now