54. New broom sweeps clean?

887 51 96

Ben Winston

For the ninety-ninth time, I was checking out myself in the mirror this morning. Everything is perfect and still I am excited. In a few minutes my dream man will stand in front of me and melt my heart without being aware of it. Harry Styles.

The last time I was so excited and had sweaty hands was at the graduation ball at the university. Only today I don't graduate with honors, but the most exciting author in the world pays a visit to me and I have lunch with him.

The timid knocking at the door roused me from my thoughts.

"Come in."

"Mr. Winston?" Becky, my pretty secretary's coming in.

"There's a Harry Styles in the anteroom and he wants to see you, sir. He has an appointment with you at ten o'clock."

"Oh, send him in," I say cheerfully and she nods to me. "Becky?" She turns around again. "Make sure we remain undisturbed."

"Of course, Mr. Winston," she replies and leaves the office.

One last look in the mirror and then the door opens and the curly head stands in the room. He is wearing a dark suit and a white shirt that shows more than it hides. I am overwhelmed by his appearance. 

"Good morning, Mr. Winston." he greets me hesitantly and with an embarrassed smile. He holds his hand out, which I hold a little too long in mine.

Those lips. That smile.

"Good morning, Harry." I'm flirting. Quickly I noticed the puzzled look on his face and tried to cover up my mistake. "Um, I' m sorry. I mean, good morning, Mr. Styles."

"Oh, it's okay. That's really not a problem. Don't worry about the first name, we'll work together after all, won't we?", he excuses my audacity.

"Then you are not mad at me, Harry?" I ask innocently, rolling my eyes and pushing the lower lip slightly forward.

He looks at me and for a moment he seems to sink into my eyes, at least he seems absent and doesn't blink. When he finally noticed him staring, he blushes and seems ashamed.

How adorable. An adult man blushes. I would love to run my fingers through his hair and kiss his cheek. That' s so cute.

"How could I be mad. It's all right," he stammers and his face becomes even redder.

"Thank you, you don't know what a load you've taken off my mind." I answer seductively and give him a smile.

"As you can see, I've studied your manuscript and made some remarks that I'd like to discuss with you."

He takes a seat and lets his gaze wander over the many pages. Meanwhile I look at his back and his broad shoulders. I am itching to let my fingertips run over the slightly transparent shirt.

Not now, Ben. Calm down, Ben.

Until you came (Zarry) /English VersionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora