I got Chinese today and Athena got pasta. 

"So tell me did you kiss him back?" Athena asked. 

I almost choke on my noodles, "No of course not.."

Joel has always been and forever my best friend, he's like a brother to me and there is no way we will be a thing. I never have that kind of feelings for him and I assume, hoping he doesn't feel that way about me too because he would be heartbroken. 

Athena sighed, "You know what.. it's obvious that he likes you and you friendzone him." 

I rolled my eyes, "That's impossible, he was the one who set me and Chris up. If he have feelings for me. He would never do that in the first place and besides he would've confess." I said throwing some sense to Athena and her impossible thoughts.

Athena acted like she's having a headache, "You are one idiot girl." She said and I stick my tongue out at her. 

"Joel would tell me if he likes me in that way." I said. 

Athena sighed, "Okay forget about Joel, how are things with Christopher." 

I smiled when I hear his name, "We're going on a date tonight." I said slightly blushing. 

Her eyes widened, "Wow that's nice and wear something sexy for him , you know impress him. Make him have a boner." She laughed. 

"Eww.." I playfully slapped her arm. 

"Don't ew, boys have it's own nature and that is they will go weak when they see a woman's curve. Trust me, Chris will fall hard for you if  you  show off your skin and hour glass body more." She winked, sounded so confident and so sure about what she said. 

I nodded sarcastically, "Sureeee.." 


Chris rang me three times and I didn't notice because I was in the bathroom when he called me. I was getting ready and I took a shower. 

I called him back and he answer after four rings. 

"Sorry I was inside the bathroom." 

"It's okay, just to remind you we have dinner later. Pick you up at 6?"

"Yeah Chris I know that already, I'm getting ready right now." 

I heard him chuckle on the line, "Okay bye. See you later." 

I hung up and threw my phone on the bed, excitement and nervousness creeped inside me. My anxiety took the best of me trying to figure out what to wear. I wish Athena is here right now so she can help me with this decision. 

I then spotted a flowery tank top and a flowy pinkish skirt that I rarely wear because it is too short. I shaved my legs and it's looking all nice and soft so might as well wear it.

I curled my hair then I put on a light makeup. I don't wanna make myself look like I put a lot of effort into my appearance. 

I heard my doorbell rang, my heart is beating so fast and it's literally going to popped out of my chest. 

I went downstairs after I put on my high heels. I fixed myself a little on the mirror then took a deep breath before opening the door. 

I didn't check the time, but this man was definitely not Christopher Velez. 

I gulped, "Who are you?" 

The man with beard gave me a scary smile that looks like a serial killer, he tried to step in closer to me so I shut the front door, I struggled to fight back as I push the door harder because of his man strength. I failed and fell miserably on the floor. 

I panic and crawled away from him as he walked closer to me. 

"What do you want and who are you?" My eyes teared up a little. 

I'm so scared and I wish Chris or Joel is here right now. 

"You're Velez's little girlfriend aye? What a price. I can use you." The man said and his breath stinks like a fart. 

"What the fuck! Move away from her right now!" I heard Chris yelled, the man turned around to face him. 

I looked at Chris and see so much anger on his face, he can look innocent and cute but then changed into a full on devil face that can make any human scared and run away from him. 

"Well well well.. see who decided to stop by and pick his girlfriend up. Didn't think you actually date someone." The man said. 

I watched as Chris's fist turn into red then he grabbed the man's collar and pushed him to the wall, "She is not my girlfriend so do not bother to hurt her. I'm warning you, you have two seconds before I make all of your teeth fall." He said. 

I sat with my arms holding my legs. I watched as the two men in front of me causing a scene and I need an answer from Chris later. This whole dinner date thing was not what I expected, this unknown man ruined it. 

Who is he? How did he knows where I lived? How many enemies do Chris have? Are the gang he messed with in Ecuador found out that he's living in New Jersey right now? Is the man who attacked me is one of the gang from Ecuador?

"One... one in a half." Chris said. 

The man raised his hands in defeat then Chris let go of his collar. 

"This is not the end you bastard." The man yelled at Chris but he ignored him. He ran towards me, "Are you okay? Did that dick do something to you? I'm so sorry I was late and this happened." He said.

I hold his hands, "I'm okay." I stuttered. 


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