Testosterone Boys and Harlequin Girls

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"No I'm sorry I'm..."


He turned. Phil had a dark haired girl pressed against his side, giggling and looking at Phil like every subscriber did on their meet and greets. He had an arm around her waist and Dan's eyes went from there to his face. His friend raised an eyebrow and tilted his head, looking from Dan to the blonde guy with curiosity "Sorry to interrupt. Do you have your keys? I'm heading back early"

Dan fumbled with his jacket pockets. Found his keys and his wallet, so he nodded to Phil who smiled at him, with that annoying tongue-poking-though-his-teeth smirk and left.

"Is that your boyfriend? Are you into sharing?" the guy was getting closer, getting an arm on his side trapping him against the bar and Dan mentally scoffed at the very anime move.

"No that's...my roommate" he glanced to the entrance door where Phil was disappearing with his date

"Oh ok" said the guy blinking confused and slowly stepping back a bit "Sorry am I getting the wrong signal? My gaydar hasn't failed in ages" he looked truly concerned, rubbing his chin

"No no, your gay radar is ok" he patted him awkwardly in the arm "Usually I would love to? But eh, not tonight sorry I've gotta go" he apologized following Phil.

* * *

In between waiting on a cold dark London streets waiting for his uber being overly paranoid that some demon or the Ring's girl would appear and the chitchat of the driver who seemed almost happy to tell him his life story while the traffic trapped them, quite the amount of time passed and he didn't know how long had Phil and the girl had been in the flat already.

He arrived quietly, trying to hear. Of course, almost as soon as he climbed the stairs he could hear the girl moaning loudly, even if the walls muffled it a bit. Leaving his jacket and shoes on their living room he approached silently to Phil's room.

The door was open.

Either Phil had been stupidly careless, or they were too much in the zone to worry about it, but the door was open. Not completely, just halfway through. It was almost too perfect and for one moment Dan doubted. Licking his lips he stopped. Could he do this? What was he even doing? What was he after? He wanted to know, but when he knew, what will he do with that knowledge?

His small existential crisis stopped when the girl moaned startling him. He needed to know.

Peeking through, he saw them.

They were kissing on Phil's bed, she was almost naked while he was only shirtless, and so he wondered why the girl was making such noises. But then he saw Phil's hand moving between them, and felt his pants tighten at the dirty thought of him not bothering to take the panties off, just pulling them aside and... "It feels so good. But I need..." she started talking but trailed off, flushing.

Phil shushed her, sliding down the bed while she threw her head back, getting between her thighs, and giving Dan a perfect view of her soaked panties. He started running his fingers carefully against her opening, and she rolled her hips, just rubbing herself against his fingers, making him chuckle

"You like that. You love it" he whispered confidently making Dan's cock twitch in his pants. Where was his awkward friend? Phil stood up again, pulling her panties down, freeing one leg and getting his cock out. The girl whispered something that made Phil laugh and grabbing her legs he dragged her across the bed getting her exactly where he wanted, getting the condom on "I'm going to fuck you baby. You want that?" the girl was desperate, chanting yesyesyes while Phil slid in one slow thrust

And that's when Dan was stupid enough to shift his weight on the floor making the freaking floor creak. Immediately Phil turned his head, watching him standing there like an idiot with a hard on spying them. He froze with panic, didn't had really an explanation. He knew he should stop looking and leave but suddenly Phil moved, turning the girl around so she had her back to the door and without breaking eye contact with him he started moving again, started fucking her hard and fast.

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