Chapter 18 - Erik

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"You should be ashamed of yourself, Erik." My father lectured to me. I watched him carefully, making sure I didn't make any more stupid moves, he had already slapped me across the face twice. "You are one of the Kirovs, a Royal Vampire. You can't set such a bad example by taking on an enemy and then losing the battle with shame. Especially with the damn Dalcas! Those good for nothing Nobles..." He trailed off, his anger rising.

"Father, if you will please let me explain--"

"Silence!" He cut me off, his voice booming around the room. It then became silent, the tension in the gray room lingered, finally fading when my father turned back around to face me. "Your actions were irresponsible, idiotic, and very reckless. They will reflect us, and that cannot happen." He spoke with a stern tone, a slight threat was slipped into it as well.

The door then opened, my mother walking in, Erika right behind her. My mother was different from most people's mothers, she was a demon compared to human standards. Her slick black hair was worn down and over her shoulders, blending in with her black jacket and cotton dress.

"Have you taken care of the issue, Bodgan?" She asked my father as she walked over to him and rested her hand on his shoulder.

"I have only told him of how he tainted our reputation in our society. He still needs to understand how wrong it is to lash out like that, especially when there was already an assassination planned."

"Dad, I said I'm--" I was cut off by another sharp stinging pain on my face.

"You do not speak at all!" He yelled. "This is a serious issue. With how the situation is now, we can't continue on with our plan. Due to your provocative actions," he pointed a finger at me, "we cannot continue on with the second wave!"

Erika then looked at our father with curiosity, apparently shocked by what he had said. "Second wave? I thought we were just targeting the Nobles, doesn't that mean we have superior rule of this area?"

"No, it doesn't," our mother spoke as she walked over to the window and looked out of it. "There are also the Wellborn Witches and Warlocks as well, down in Salem. They have to be killed if we want ultimate rule as the only main supernatural branch here in the Americas."

"And if we want to show that us vampires are the dominant race on this Earth, then we need to kill off very werewolf, witch, and warlock. If they are gone, then we can easily rule the creatures of the day," our father spoke while looking at the burning fireplace.

"The biggest species in their realm already knows of the existence of our night realm, but only as a fictional universe. Some being good examples and others... Well, you know the whole sparkly thing." Our mother spoke again as she threaded her fingers through the creases in the velvet curtains.

"Seems like a legit plan," Erika stated while staring the the two of them blankly.

Knowing this was their intent seemed disgusting. Yes, I wanted to destroy werewolves due to the hatred they have towards us and all the deaths they have caused; but it still didn't seem right to wipe out the other night creatures as well.

There was a reason our races were created, and that was because we had issues accepting each other for who they were. The royal family from Romania, the Kirovs, were turned into vampires due to the fact the noble family from the Austrian-Hungary border, the Dalcas, did not enjoy seeing the practice of cannibalism and the thought of living an inhuman lifespan. The Dalcas were turned into the beasts, known as werewolves, to represent the Kirovs' disgust of wolves and dogs being wild and harmful.

The queen of the Hungarian kingdom at the time was a dear friend of the Dalca and Kirov family, friends with the wives of the powerful men. She knew these differences and wanted to know how much these dear friends would react if this did happen. Being a woman part of witchcraft, she cast a spell onto them and made two of the three main species in the night creatures.

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