Chapter 21 - Erik

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Author's Note
Thank you so much for the 2.2k reads everyone! It means a lot to me! Lovely reminder that people enjoy this series even with the hiccups. XD


"What is this about?" Dalca asked.

Taking a step forward, I looked at her and spoke, "We can't carry out the plan right away, it with take time to put together."

She looked at me with a puzzling look, crossing her arms in the process. "Is there any reason we can't do it immediately?"

"We can't because of how heavily populated this place is. Southern Maine is too crowded and our races will be discovered by the humans. We need to take this somewhere more rural," I spoke while pinching my chin with my forefinger and thumb, thinking deeply.

"Why not somewhere like Patten? The Baxter State Park is near there, and there never seems to be tourists in that park, let alone rangers," Taylor spoke. "It's an ideal place since no one will see us, and the fight will still be away from the public eye."

It was the ideal place. Taylor was right. What better place to do it?

I looked at him with my eyebrows still furrowed in thought. "I agree with with you, it's a smart choice." Taylor nodded back at me, glad I had liked his idea.

"But why so far away? Sure it will be secret and all if we do it there, but why travel so stinking far for a fight?"

"That's the whole point," I told her with a strict tone, "We need to be far away, it doesn't matter the travel distance."

She glared at me in irritation and crossed her arms. "You need to think of saving gas you know, it's important. Have you seen the prices lately and the pollution that burnt fuel causes?"

"Nic, gas prices are dropping," Taylor chimed back in, "I just got my tank filled for only about twenty bucks yesterday. That's a pretty good deal."

"There's still the pollution issue, we can't have our planet destroyed by stupid decisions."

"Nic, shut your mouth this instant." I was getting irritated at her, she was acting so childish that I felt like I was taking care of a little kid.

"You aren't my boss, so you can just shut the hell up." She spoke in a snotty tone. "I happen to care about our planet. We don't have to have a fight so far away from Sanford. It could just be out in the country area."

"And that country area is also very populated with people. You need to know that going west or south is a stupid choice!" I slammed my fist into the wall next to me, my eyes focusing intensely at her. Dalca seemed to not take effect to my actions at all. Does this mutt ever learn?

"I can make my own choice, and it's not a stupid idea! We'll be completely safe out there in the country! No one would discover us and they wouldn't see any corpses from the battle."

"Nic, we can't clean up blood and people will get curious if they hear growling and other 'monster' noises at night." At least Taylor was taking my side, he knew the consequences to being near where we all lived.

"I'm done talking to you guys. If you don't understand why I want it this way, then I'm not going to even bother with helping you stop those stupid vampires. I'm especially not going to work with this damn idiotic bloodsucker!" She jabbed a finger in my direction before stalking off, slightly rolling her ankle while turning due to the heels she wore.

I sighed before leaning up on the wall and putting my hood over my face to block the sun hitting me. I placed my hands in the jacket pockets and just stood there irritated. "I'm sorry to say, but she's is so difficult. I don't know how you deal with her. I'd hate to take care of a girl like that."

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