Chapter 3 - Nicolas

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He got off of me quite quickly and started to leave.

"Hey, you, wait a second!" I called out while sitting up, wincing from the pain in my arm.

He paused for a moment and slightly turned his head. "What?" he asked, somewhat rudely. Apparently he had places he wanted to be, and nowhere near me or Molly.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Molly asked, worry rising in her voice as she knelt next to me.

"Are you?" I asked, hoping he would answer one of us.

"Just worry about yourself, you freak." The words just spilled out of his mouth, their cold blades finding their way into me.

"Watch what you say, emo. Or else I'll rip your head off!" Molly shouted, her face started to turn red from anger. I looked at her, surprised by her threat.

He only chuckled before walking off and shoving a girl slightly taller than him. From what I could remember last night, she was most likely his sister. She yanked on the collar of his black hood and whispered something in his ear before walking away from him and joining a group of older kids.

"Are you alright, Nic?" Molly asked as she held her hand out to me.

"I'm fine, it's just a scrape." I took her hand and pulled myself upward to stand. It took a moment to stabilize myself, but I soon regained my balance. Looking back down at the ground, I saw a small blood spot on the cement. I grabbed my left arm on the bicep and twisted it a little to see a long cut ranging at five inches long and an inch wide. Mostly various small cuts from the textured ground. I touched the broken skin and winced. "Maybe I should get a bandage though."

"Ya think?! That looks nasty!" Molly exclaimed. She clutched her stomach, trying not to pass out from the sight.

I held onto my elbow and headed towards the entrance. "How many more minutes till class, Molly?"

"Uh," she looked at her watch, "We still have twenty minutes. We have time to go to the nurse." She picked up her pace and met up with me as we reached the stone steps. We went through the glass doors and into the lobby. Light was reflecting off of the trophy case to the right while more light came down the hallway in front of us, the white walls being illuminated. We took a turn to the left towards the office, our feet echoing off of the smooth granite floors.

The secretary at the desk looked up from her computer at us, "Can I help you ladies with something?"

"Yeah, can Nic see the nurse? Her arm is bleeding. It's serious," Molly quickly responded, the anxiety rising in her voice.

She got up from her chair and walked around the desk to examine my arm. I winced at her touch.

"You do need to see her, don't want blood getting all over the floors. You know where the nurse's office is, right?"

"Yes," I replied and walked past her to a heavy wooden door. Molly propped it open for me and allowed me to enter first. I sat on one of the plush carmine chairs awaiting the nurse's assistance. Not a moment later she came up to us, a shocked expression on her face from my injury.

"What happened?" she asked as she began to disinfect it with a wipe.

"Some kid ran into me and I fell down and scraped my arm." No need to mention his annoying attitude.

"I see," she replied. She disinfected it and then grabbed some gauze and wrapped it around my arm. "There, you should be fine now. Get to class, girls!" She waved us off as she went back to the resting room.

Molly and I walked towards our first hour, which was in the 700s hallway, and did it quickly. I picked up my pace as I saw the clock read 7:56, only four more minutes until the bell rang.

Creatures of the Night: Awakening (Original Draft)Where stories live. Discover now