Chapter 20

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Ryan's POV

I got into a house, walking straight to the couch, sat there as if it's my own, it's so called my dad's. I stare at the wall behind the television, looking lost in thoughts, in madness. I closed my eyes, wondering if it's just a dream, I traced along my left arm, the scratches felt so real, the pain still there though it's been hours since then, I moved my finger and touched my jaw, rubbed and grabbed my chin, moving it a little, hurts, I pressed my swollen bruised right eye, hurts.

I should become stronger, get better at it, get a grip of yourself, don't lose it to nothingness. I took a deep breath. Why I hurt him? Why him of all person? I owed him so damn much. I haven't forget of every little thing he did for me, he even care about the now messed up me. My teeth clenched.

I'm listening to remix musics to calm my nerves, school these days is depressing, I'd snapped at anyone that greeted me, not that I want that, but what they've been saying are full of shit and boredom chatting. Yeah, I finally say that I'm still a college student, a stupid one lately, the teachers are pressing me to tell what happened to me, I just shrugged it off, not that I know why. I gritted my teeth as I recalled the fact that some called me fag.

I began to beat them up for calling me that, some said it's a joke, but no matter what it is, it's still hurt to be called that way, it's not a good enough reason I know, given they're my close friends and they swear a lot despite they're being kind in a tough bad boy looking. Yeah, what a joke. I'm worse ain't I? We get on each other necks, to fight as a game, to train to be stronger, but I beat them. I sighed.

I took some ice cubes from inside the fridge, put it in a glass, I pour some cold beer, ate some of it. I gulped, getting tense suddenly at the door cracking open and closed nearby, he walked to me, I can tell he's glaring daggers at me in a helpless painful sadness in his eyes that's boring to the back skull of my head.

"Are you okay, Ryan?" He sounds pissed.

"As always." I forced a grimace like smile.

He's standing in front of me, pulled my collar, lift me inches off the ground, pushed me by the counter. "Stop your brat attitude."

I shrugged. "Not gonna happen."

"No!" I tried to wake myself up. "Don't do that!" My heart said. "You'll regret it!" The deafening voice pierced my ears, hurts... I fight myself to stop but nothing happened.

His face fall, looking so distant, the dad I have a bond with, a twin like brother and friend for me, the one that taught me life. I shrank backward and got on my toes. I pushed him, he stumbled backwards, taken aback as he fell to the floor, he yanked my shirt, I suddenly sat on his lap, he grabbed my front shirt near the collar and pushed me back up standing. My knees hurts a little.

"Just stop being a moron brat." He yelled. I hit his chest hard and stomping on the floor going back to my room. What the hell?! "Goodbye." He then left me.

I got to my room, take some clothes put it inside my backpack, I'm going to the mountain, where grandma lives.


I hate it the most when things like these get back at me. Did I make everyone leaving me? I'm such a loser, teardrops fell from the side of my eyes. Why it got to be my dream? I gulped. I looked around the gloomy room, empty. Where are them? Are they okay? I'm worried. I'm so aware of what's gotten into me.

I overheard their talking as I walked out of room, but stopped as I saw them, it's get on my nerves at times like this. I sighed. I'm so lame. We're no longer dating aren't we? I had no privilege to tell him to stop whatsoever he's doing. I sighed.

I heard his words to my precious love, a promise that I should've said. I slumped back down as I heard all of it, I sat behind the bedroom door, I'm weakling am I? I sighed. My stomach churned, I clench my teeth, something's coming this way.

Jack's POV

I looked at a cute sexy boy, my baby, my Peter, his eyes drawn me in as we kissed with love. He brushed my hair, ruffled it to a mess, purring in my mouth, smiling.

I parted from his tempting lips. "I love you, babe."

"I love you, too." We smiled the stupidest smile, grinning like morons, don't even care bout the world, feeling content at the state of bliss of we getting closer bit by bit. 'I want him to kiss me more passionately.' He gasped. "Sorry."

I chuckled at his cute reaction realizing his words. I lay on the couch, put him on top of me, cuddling him, knowing his eyes slowly closing, we barely sleep tonight.

"Sleep well, baby." He purred as he pecked my chest and lay the left side of face on it, smiling, looking peacefully happy.

"You, too." He murmured and silence took over.

Ryan blocked the door as someone knocking the front door, glaring at me saying 'I'm sure it's a witch.'

"Let's go, believe me."

I grabbed him and sling his hands to my back,grabbed his legs and hold it on my sides, piggyback the sleepy Peter, his head moved a little, shocked. Ryan wave his hand as telling me to go first, he then think of opening the door, so I yanked him with me, we're running out of the backdoor.

We ran for miles in slightly different pace, we stopped and sat for a while in a forest, which name is unknown. I sighed.

"Who was that?" He asked.

"Witches that's made from a witch." I sighed. "I mean a witch make a duplicate of herself cause I heard random rumbling in her head with the same voice."

He tilted his head to the side. "That's creepy." 'I'm sure I'll crush all of them.' I slightly laugh silently. He rolled his eyes. "What?" 'You're creepier for reading thoughts I don't want you to know about.' He sighed.

"Nah, it's still better than a necromancer." He rolled his eyes, not taking it very well. "Don't get angry, dude." I patted his shoulder.

He sighed. "Fine."

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