Chapter 13

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I ran down the stairs as I walked into dining room. "Good morning, mom."

"Good morning, Peter." She smiled as she pointed at the foods on the table, bread, milk and cereals. "Breakfast." She then walked past me as she sling her bag on her shoulder. "Gotta go."

"Good luck, mom." I waved at her.

I have no appetite today. My moods keep going up and down all the time. I don't even have time to rest. I wonder how everybody's been doing well or not, we no longer meet each other. I never thought it'll be this lonely when nobody's home. My mom has left for working, she really enjoys her job. I wish I can have my dream job. But I don't think it'll come true anytime soon.

I've been sitting here for the past several minutes without gaining any appetite, maybe I should just store the foods in a better place, like Oddie's tummy. Oddie is my stepfather's dog. And I'll stuffed the milk to my tummy or it'll be such a waste.

Why would I always be reminisced by this scent, like they are elsewhere nearby. I don't know how much I miss them. How much I wish I can turn back and run into their hug instead of pondering as I lose them. I wish I can forget them if I can no longer have them loving me.

A year ago

I'm breathing heavily as I get up of bed and leave Jack behind sleeping with a wide smirk in his face. I can't help it. I loved him. I won't kill him. This words repeats over and over again in my mind. Don't deny what you can't deny, even if hurt's the only way to believe it.

I walked out of his bedroom, closing the door slowly. Ryan held my hand as he scratch the back of his head with gloomy face.

"Was he better than me?" He blinked several times to hold back the tears.

"Well..." I let go of his hand.

"Okay, sorry that I'm not that good." He was taken aback by his own question.

I lifted his face and pulled the corner of his lips into a smile. "You're good, he's just better."

He entwined my fingers to his and took me sitting on his lap on the couch. He kissed my back. "You smelled like sex. I heard your whispers that sounded too loud it deafening."

"Really? Sorry."

"May I know why you want to kill me? Us?" He buried his face on my back, inhaling my scent.

"It's fun. It's kind of thrill you don't wanna miss." I sneered. "Do you have any last wish?"

"Please stay with me for the next 5 minutes." He sniffed me after he took of my shirt.

5 minutes past

"Any other last wish other than asking me to stay for the next 5 minutes?" I'm mocked

"No, nothing."

I can feel he's smiling without seeing it. He's the first I've ever got so close too. I hope he knows that. I stood up, seeing the trace of his tears as he opened his eyes with laughter.

"How does it feels, babe?" He pinned me on the floor. "What did you say earlier? You want to kill me? Do you think that that's possible? That I won't attack you kist because I loved you?"

"No." I see flames burning in his eyes.

"I'm not Ryan. It's me, Jack." He laughed on the top of his lungs. "Do you think you can hide even a thing from me with some sort of stupid spell? Tell your fucking granny that wasn't your real granny to never ever lied to you again! I've never done the things she accused me with! I knew this day would come by the person I loved, you're not an exception."

"Where my real grandma is? If you give me a prove I'll believe it." I'm glad he's not.

"She's now your mother." He helped me up.

"Goodbye, Jack." A girl said from behind, she took me home in a blink of an eye. "Please, don't question a thing, I'll explain it later."


Beep... Beep... Beep... I opened the back door.

"How's your feeling?" She scanned me from head to toes like a professor witch. "I heard that." Wow. "Don't pretend as if you've just know it by now." I nodded.

"Wanna drinks or chips?"

"A can of beer is enough." No need to be harsh. "Don't tell me what to do." Hmph. "There's a party in the town." I don't like party. "I know. But there'll be Jack and Ryan." How? "It's to celebrate Cyan's birthday and Jack was invited." Why? "He knew what happened by then." I collapsed.

Beth POV

"Goodbye, Jack." I took Peter home by his mom's request. "Please don't question a thing, I'll explain it later." I told him to go into his bedroom.

"Hi, Beth."

"Oh, hi." I smiled as a greeting.

"Please take care of Peter, he's unstable. Leave the rest to me and our friends, I'll kill that bitchy old hag!"

"Hush.." I snapped.

"Tell him when he's ready and teach him some technique and spells." She left with her husband.

"I know you're hiding upstairs."


"I'm a witch."


"Do you want to know about your family's truth?" He nodded. "Sit there and listen carefully."

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