Chapter 9

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Peter's POV

He left the door opened. I walked pass it and going down through some hall and corridor, I finally spotted a light from the corner of the storage room. It leads outside that creepy castle like house, just not that big. I pulled up the hood and yanked it down so noone can notices me. I walked slowly as if I'm from this little village. My backpack that was once mine haven't been returned to me.

I concluded there must be something wrong else where. They knew where Ryan and Cyan living in up till now. They knew what they actually doing this past few weeks while I'm away. I'm pretty sure that they've been worrying me all this time deep in their heart. And the disatisfaction made their hatred towards me growing. Whatever. I gotta find them in an instance.

I stared at the map resting on my hand. The house near the lake and the forest. The place I left them as if I felt nothing at all. The place he ensured me he wanted to protect me with all his might. And me ended up being a toy. I'm maybe just a decoy to get to know them more. No. Stop. Get a hold of yourself. No. I hurt myself enough so why care about them? Shit! I swore a lot and still dissatisfied.

The skies dark now. What a coincidence! Raindrops were falling on my head. I'm soaked. So pitiful like an abandoned cat watching some pets was given warm milked. I stared into that house. I wish this place would disappeared. I wish that I won't have to come back again. I don't wanna remember anything. I don't want anything. I want them to be alright. That's all.

I took a step closer to that front door and knocked. Nothingness welcomed me as I tried to opened it when it was obviously locked. Why would they left a house unlocked by the way. I felt so dumb. I have nowhere to go. Where they are and so much of everything. How long has it been now? I can't tell.

I licked my dried bottom lip. There was a cut in the middle of it. I grasped the door knob and knocked the door again with the other hand. Oh, come on. Anyone. I want him to be safe. "Ryan. Cyan." I called. No answer. When I turned to leave the sound of someone's steps coming. I looked at that door once again making sure that someone will surely open that damn doorr and close our space.

His eyes widen in surprise as he opened the door and quickly closed it again before I can have a way in. "Ryan." I tried to broke in but can't. He must be on the other side of that door. "Ryan, open up. I mean no harm." The accessories hanging by the door rattling as wind pass by, he swung it open.

His fist connected with my jaw. Ouch. Good. Got a punch on top of my bruises. Why don't him try attacking my other parts as well to kill me. "Go away." He warned me. "And never come back or you'll regret." I nodded standing still. He pushed my shoulder back and spun me around he kicked me with my face ended on the cold ground. I sitted up as he pulled my shirt and punched my abdomen. Nice. "I've warned you." He sang.

I pulled him by his neck and kissed his inviting pink lips. It was damn hot so inviting. He pulled apart and gasped. Still so angry he kneed my stomach. My blood burst to his face. Now his face looking better. "Bastard." I winked and held his hands entwining our fingers. He couldn't fight back.

I looked up at him that sit on top of me hovering over me don't give the moonlight space to shone on me. "Sorry. I'm so sorry." I inhaled a deep long breath. "I'm so sorry I left you. You can beat me up to pulp." My heart sank to my stomach and it may have gone lower to my feet. "I won't fight for myself, I promise." Making sure to have eyes contact. "I want you to go somewhere I don't know and don't come back. Don't let your guard down."

He stood up and tugged me to stand up. I felt all limp. "Where did you got that bruises from?" He grimaced while heavy breathing.

I shooked my head. "Don't know."

He frowned so deeply his brows sticking together. "Is it Jack?" He swallowed the lump in his throat. "It's him isn't it? I'll revenge you." He turned to walk but I caught him. "What?! Don't stop me! He's a jerk and he'll need the pay of hurting you." He shooked my hand off.

I wrapped my arms on his chest. "No, I won't let you." I gritted my teeth. "You must take Cyan with you somewhere else I don't know. Yours and his life endangered. I came to warn you." He'll listen to me. I believe so. No, I knew so. "You can kill me now I promise I won't defence myself." I smiled happily.

"I'd go." Yay. I knew he was a great person he'll defintely do what was right. I'm glad. "But you have to come with me."

I let go of my grip on him and stumbled on my butt as I ran from him. "Only if you're with me." He pinned me down. "I wanna punish you all I want."

I shooked my head. "No..." I banged my head on the soft grass that became pointed like needles. "No... No... Please don't." I cried.

"Peter.... Peter... Wake up, please. Don't bang your head anymore." I saw Jack's tear streamed down his cheeks. "Why? Why you doing this to me? What did I do to you? Peter.... Peter... Wake up..."

I yawned. How come I'm here again? I thought I had gottten away from him but his gripped felt so strong on me. "Do you hate me? You hate me don't you? You kept banging your heads it worried me so much. I don't wanna lose you. No, not yet." He sat far across me.

I held his hands. "Jack, I'm so sorry." I wiped his tears and carressed his cheeks.

He captured my hands and kissed it. "Tell me if you hate me please. I'll let you go if you want so." I grabbed him close to me and laughed. He rolled his eyes and looked slightly angry. "Here I'm being laughed cause I'm emotional dramatic queen." He punched my shoulder.

I grinned. "So, Jack. Would you sleep by my side tonight cause I hate being all alone."

"Sure." He smirked. "We'll continue where we paused at."

I chuckled. "Yeah. I'm impatient."

Which was the reality? I'm crazy ain't I? Yeah, I am. I stared into the mirror, no injuries. Was this what it takes to cheat on someone? I chose to hurt him rather than stand by him and left him after all he did to me. I'm a sinner. I gazed at mirror me, I have good abs and muscle but still so slender. I looked like I've been beaten up, but by who? Why?

Jack was on the other room right? I looked left and right and searched around the room. Nothing suspicious. I want to know which was my dream and what it means. I walked in the bathroom and checked the drawer. Nothing. Does it have anything to do with the witchea or wizard? I won't give a damn if it's just a prank.

I laid down on the bed staring up at the ceiling. A big star form slightly seen clear to a normal person. Was it there before? I see around and find aome things are sorted neatly similiar to the star sbove. My head spin and I woke up to nowhere again. I was in the middle of forest running. The woods so high and the leaves closed the sky till it darker than it should be.

I looked around trying to find a clue but nothing comes to me. I stared up the sky once again. The moon shapes like star by the leaves. Star. A big star on the ceiling. How come I want there and here again? I looked around and she pile of books on his desk. Am I back to Jack's house again? I opened the door wide enough for me to searched for Jack.

Someone took my hand and asked me in a whisper. "Where're you heading, Pete?" Jack was holding my hand and let go of it. "Hungry? You just ate the snacks. Want more?" He winked.

"No, gotta get fresh air."

He slouched. "K." I brushed his cheeks. "I wanna get laid actually, it's okay if you don't want to I won't force you. Take your time." He wobbled to his bed turning to see through the curtain closed window.

I jogged to his side and kissed his neck lightly nipping his collar bone. I snuggled on his back hoping for the warm he'd always give me. So cold. In a blink of an eye I was back here lying on

the grass. I saw Ryan sat across me. He wiped away the bood that flows from inside of hi mouth.

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