Chapter Twenty- Preliminary Duels (I)

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Really sorry guys, wasn't able to post last week....
Another new chapter coming this weekend with the QnA session...
Happy Valentine's Day to all of you guys  and your beloved...have a romantic eve..
Chapter not edited!
Don't forget to VOTE!!!!


“All the participants enter the stadium. As the plaques attain a colour, move into standing in a queue in front of the podium to first pay your respects to His Majesty and his revered ministers and commanders. After that silently move to the small three stages prepared in front of that podium. You will be given a small space to relax and wait for your turn. Any deviation from the rules will lead to disqualification.”

Yu Long and FeiMei stepped in the stadium. They heard a roar of applause and loud cheers from the audience. Everyone seemed excited.

But that was short lived.

Soon everything settled down as the royal guards entered the podium with the royal ministers and commanders. The elevated platform made it impossible for the participants to get a proper view of the whole crew. But they could feel the spiritual energy emitted by these leaders. Some were golden core bearers and some were silver core bearers. There was a difference in the strengths but no one was able to perceive it, as the mana of the silver bearers was still more than the nobles and elite golden bearers present in the stadium. But so was not the thing with Yu Long. With Maasa’s assistance he was able to feel the difference and more.

There is another dragon.

Dragon? Here?



I can feel the energy and aura. It is coming from that podium.

Are you serious? But Rahu told me that there were only two more in this world. One was in Timeless forest. Other was missing. Is he the missing one?

Missing dragon? Oh! Rahu must mean that always sleeping lazyass dragon. He is alive and not perceivable when he is asleep. But this one is not him.

Not him? You mean the fourth legendary dragon is here? Among those royal guards?

Yes. I can't exactly predict which one though.

I need to inform Rahu. Is it possible to identify which one of them is the dragon?

Yes. If we get face to face with the possessor.

Are you serious? Or just looking for duel?

I am serious!

Seriously serious?

Yu Long, you need to work on your trust on me.

I trust you...sometimes

Trust me all times. I don't take up fights that I am not capable of winning.

So you admit it you take up unnecessary fights. Anyways what about this dragon? You can't fight it? You always pick fights with Rahu.

Yu Long, this dragon is dangerous and can get out of our league.

Is it that powerful?

Very powerful, Long. The spiritual energy is exceptional. The host body is a  top-notch cultivator. Being able to control a dragon at one’s will is what I thought was impossible. But what I am sensing, I think it is only a small portion of what that host possesses.

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