Chapter Eleven- The New Place

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A new chapter! It is the 11th of the  15chapters I wanted to publish by Christmas. Hope you enjoy reading this one.. Unedited chapter.

@ Unknown street two lanes away from the guest manor

Yu Long ran out of the manor as if his life depended on it. He rushed through unfamiliar lanes which he failed to notice as he was preoccupied with flashbacks.

Why? Why me? Why do I always get harassed by such good for nothing people?

Unconsciously his mind drifted to the Zhang XinYi he had met at the Shixing Iron Forest. That memory made him clench his fist as he stopped and hit the ground. But this didn't do him any good. Instead he cried as he held his now wounded fist and rolled on the ground.

I am so stupid.

“It is hurting. It is hurting. It is hurting.”

“How about you stop chanting ‘It is hurting’ and step aside. You are in our way.”

Yu Long stopped at once and looked at the feet and slowly gazed up at a little girl who looked the same age as his sister Yu Lin. He got up on his feet and looked at a group of eight women and one small girl. They all were dressed with fancy robes, heavy makeup and jewellery. They all smelt as if they had just come out of a pool of flowers.

Yu Long stood in the mid road analyzing the beauties when the small girl stepped on his toes.

“Aaaa...what are you doing?” Yu Long cried.

“I asked you to step aside you see. And you got up only to keep staring at my aunts and mother.”

“Oh! I am really sorry.”

“It's okay. She get grumpy at times. Please forgive her for her actions. We all ask you for forgiveness.” The women standing behind this lady joined her in bowing their head.

Yu Long in response bowed his head.

“I am WaYi. I am sorry. I am kind of lost. I was looking for the way to Ming Restaurant. I heard that it is behind the guest manor but I am unable to locate it. Could you help me?”

“Ming restaurant?Which Ming restaurant?”

“Which as in? I know only one that is in the middle of the Bulung market.”

“Bulung? Sir, it will take you two months to reach Bulung from this place.”

“What- What do you mean?”

“Sir, this is Guoshan in the noble realm of ZhaoShu. Bulung is in Training province in the other end of this kingdom.”

“What? What ar- where ? How do I reac- my brother my sis-sister?”

Yu Long started panicking. He was scared and now indecisive. He had no idea as to where and how to contact his brother He.

The elder lady tried to calm down Yu Long. “How did you get here? Do you have any relative in Guoshan?”

Yu Long shook his head nervously.

“If you don't have a place to stay the night, how about you join us?”

“Thank you so much. I would humbly accept shelter for the night.”

The elder lady giggled as she asked Yu Long to follow. “I am Lu. That girl is my daughter Miu. These women and I perform music and dance across the ZhaoShu.”

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