Teasingly Matter

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Alvin happily walked around the house proud of himself for some apparent reason. No later did Brittany come prancing around in the outfit Alvin told her NOT to wear. Mainly for their protection. Alvin watches her and she catches him looking at her and teasingly smile. "Oh hi Alvin. It's been all of what...4 minutes." Alvin turned the other and head outside with the others. "Oh Alvie wait for me!"
She run after him and finally caught up to him. "You know i'm surprise i can fit in these. OH crap. Alvin can you untie this knot in my shorts." Alvin was trying so hard to get away from her but he just turned and walked back inside making sure she didn't follow him. Brittany on the other hand followed him, eagerly to tease him. She walked in his room and he annoyingly sighed. "You got to be kidding me."
"Please untie this knot." He smiled to himself. 'She's gonna get what she asked for.' He gets up walking towards her pulling her towards him by the string of her shorts. "Want me to untie the knot?" "Of course."

He pulls her closer to him now that they are only inches away. He whispers in her ear. "You are very tempting.  Hope you know that." He says before kissing her ear. Her face turned red as he trails the kisses down her neck. She starts to regret trying to tease him and as usual. Her plan backfired at her. He takes her by the hips and shifted her out the way.

"My girlfriend is coming over. I have to get ready." He waited for her to leave but she just couldn't move. "Britt. Brittany." She slowly leaves out the room and he laughs to himself. 'Seville you are a Don Juan.' He chuckles and got ready for his girlfriend's visit.

Simon sits on the edge of the pool dangling his feet in the water. "Um..hi Simon." He look up startled. "Hi Jean. UM..what's up?" "Just finished reading a book about Albert Einstein." In the distance all they can hear was Alvin saying, "Borinngg!!"Simon eyes slowly trail to Alvin with a glare in them. "It's better than cramming my brain with video games idiot!" Alvin psychotically chuckles. "Or cramming my brain with video games is better than cramming my brain with non sense."

Simon stands up and walks over to Alvin. "You will never get anywhere in life. You can't even keep a girlfriend for more than 2 months." Alvin balls his hands up knowing that he was referring to when him and Brittany was dating. "We had our reasons to." Simon shakes his head. "Excuses." Alvin take Simon by the sweater. "I don't make excuses!" Jeanette gets up and tries to get Alvin away from Simon. "Boys calm down, leave the past in the past." 

Alvin let Simon go and Simon fixed his sweater. "How can Alvin leave the past in the past if the past is already here?" And with that Simon walks off deciding to leave Alvin pondering in thought. Alvin, for one, is not going to think on that. 

Eleanor sits at the kitchen table admiring how Theodore is whipping up some chocolate chip cookies. Theo brings a plate of cookies to the table and smile at her. "Oh Teddy...they smell so good." Just then Brittany walks down saying. "Eat too much of those and you will gain carbs in 2 seconds." Ellie glare at Brittany. "For your information i'm not going to eat all of these cookies alone."

Simon storms in the house and maybe, just maybe, they figured Alvin did something. Alvin then comes in the house shaking his head. "Alvin what did you do to Simon?" Alvin look at Theodore. "Why do you guys always assume I did something to the wee wittle Simon?"

Brittany deeply sigh. "Cause you are the only one who could piss someone off. Face it Seville, no one likes you." She sweetly smile and Alvin walks up to her. "Oh really." She crosses her arms. "Really." Alvin strokes her hair out her face. "Explains why you were trying to turn me on." The others oohed and giggled. Brittany blushed and walked away from him.

Brittany P.O.V

I swear that Seville is going to be the death of me. The door bell rings and Alvin rushed over to answer it. "Oh I was hoping you would answer the door." Allison smiles as she walks in. Really. Her? Has Alvin put on prescribed glasses, better yet put on Simon glasses, when he met her? She has no moral and she is just so full of herself. Her hair is never fixed, she doesn't understand style apparently and...

"You remember Brittany right?" She smiles at me. "Of course I do. She is the most beautiful girl in the school." Alvin looks me up and down until his eyes finally met mines. "Yea. She is. But you are gorgeous." He says looking down at her. She blushed and giggled before he planted a kiss on her lips. I busied myself with my hair and groan in disgust.
Jeanette looks over at me.

"Brittany whats wrong?" I look up. "Oh nothing just you know. Bored." Alvin chuckled. "That will be the day." I shot out my seat. "You know what Seville I have had about enough of you today!" She shouts. "Im sure you did." He says winking at me. I growl under my breath and walk up stairs to the guest room. My phone buzzes and my smile widens.

'Hey beautiful.'
'Hey lol whats up?'
'Oh nm, you busy today?'
'Hmm...not that I know of. Why?'
'Wanted to come over. Is that cool?'
'Sure. B on ur best behavior tho lol.'
'Haha ok. If you let me 😎😉'
'Lol ok.'

I end the chat and lay on one of the beds. So far this summer has started off in...not the most exciting way, but in the end. It's worth it.

I wonder who is this mystery guy even tho im the author I have no idea myself lol but in other words I have the perfect idea for who it should be😏

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