A Voice Deep inside

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I lay in my bed humming a song until I was rudely interrupted by knocking on my door. "Come in." I shout. Uncle Si peeks his head in the door.
"Hey Aj, mind if I talk to you?" He adjust his glasses. Fuck, Uncle Si is huge. "Sure."
He completely walks in smiling.
"So, I need a favor from you." I groan at to what this is going to be. "Make a song for your parents." My eyes snap to his. "M-make a song?"
I gulp and look down. Uncle Si deeply sigh. "Aj, for them. Tag your brothers and sister in. Or y-"
"Fine. I'll do it. But they are singing background." Uncle Si smiles and say.
"You have no idea, how much this will mean to your Aunts."
I nod my head and he walks out.
I deeply sigh and play a beat for the song I want to sing.
Missing you by The Vamps

I take a deep breath and start the song.
"Maybe I shoulda loved harder! Put up more of a fight! I know I coulda be stronger tonight!"
"I look for love but there's a space inside my mind. I keep on missing you! I keep on missing yoouu! If you seen enough, know that I will be right here! Now with somebody new! I keep on missing youu."
As soon as I was about to sing the second verse I hear someone gasps.
My head swivel to the door and I see Raven and the others standing there eyes wide.
"You can sing!!?" I glare and turn off the song. "No." Raven crosses his arms. "Lier."

I deeply sigh and look away from them. "Whatever." Cyrus and Connor starts to giggle. "Sing again. Pleaasee." I shake my head. "No. Besides, Uncle Si want us to sing a song in honor of mom and dad." Raven smiled widely. "Im in!"
"Me too!" Cyrus chirped in.
"Me three!!" Connor giggled out.
I roll my eyes and Melody shows up.
"Can I join?" She meekly say. I smile a little.
"Yea sure." She smiles and they all turned to me.
"Youre our leader." Raven states. My eyes find their way to Ravens.
"I know. So, I found a song. Wanna hear?" They all nod their heads and I play the beat and sing it.
They all stare at me in awe. I close my eyes singing the lyrics. Memories flooding back to when me and mom would argue. Remembering when I said 'I hate you', to her. I remember seeing the pain in her eyes. I remember how she would put me and Rave in time out. Or how dad would play football with us. Take us to games. Mom would look beautiful as always. She seems like she never got old. Then I remember the night the police called.

I open my eyes and they all stare at me. "Wow. You sing like dad." Raven whispers. I bite my lower lip. "Yea, I know." I shake my head and say. "Rehearsals tomorrow." They nod their head and everyone leaves except Raven.
"Al-" He starts, but then sees the glare in my eyes. "...Aj, are you sure-"
"Yes. Im sure." I state.
He nod his head and start to walk out. "You know, you look more like dad than I do." I chuckle. "Its in the name obviously." He laughs and walks off. I on the other hand, grab my skateboard, beats, and phones.

I fix my leather jacket with my red shirt on and leather pants. I comb my hair to the side and wink in the mirror. I head out telling everyone that Im gone.
I hop on my skateboard and skated down the side walk.

B P.O.V.
I look at myself in the mirror. Aj is right. I am pathetic. But, why did he kiss me?
"Omg Brit look!" I roll my eyes at my sister and look out the window. Aj riding around on his skateboard. Did I mention that he look so hot?
"Wow." Was all I managed to say. She giggled and pulled my arm. "Come on! I wanna speak to him!!" She whines. I shake my head quickly.
"No, lets just leave him alone." She glare. "We are going to speak to him. Now come on!" She pratically dragged me out of my room and outside.

My sister always looked stunning in everything she wore. Even if it was just sweats. Me on the other hand looks repulsive compared to her.
"Aj! Wait for us!" She screams and Aj turns and looks at us. He smile and my sister sounded like she was having an orgasm.
"Hey. Whats up?" He looks at me smirking. I blush and look away. "Oh nothing. Brit was complementing you."

I turn to her with shock written all over my face. "W..what? No you were, no-"
"Its cool. Calm down. You look beautiful today B." Jeeny squal like a bird and me and Aj turned to look at her. "J, what the hell?" I counter. She blushed and say. "Oh, well, nevermind." I shake my head and Aj grab my hand saying. "Wanna come with me?"
I bit back a smile and nod my head. "Sure. Jen you wanna come?"

"Oh no! You two should totally go." She giggles and walks back to our house. I roll my eyes and turn to see Aj looking at me.
"So, you skateboard?" I try making small talk.
"Yup. Dad did too. He taught me." He smiles a little and that made my heart warm.
He looks down at me. "Hey, sorry for what I called you earlier at school. I was just pissed off." He deeply sigh and rub his thumb over my hand. I blush at the feeling and say. "Its ok." He chuckles. "Yea. Wanna try?" He motion at his board. "Oh no. Im no-"
I scream as I got lifted up. He was holding me in his arms standing on his board. "Aj what? No. Put me down." I demand. He laughs. "Just hold on."

Im not going to lie, I like this. I deeply sigh and he started off on the board. Surprisingly he has some amazing good balance. "B. Lets be friends. I need one." He whispers. I smile at him.
"Ok. We can be friends." He smiles. "Awesome." He says before speeding up.

This is going to be a long year.

Woohoo! So whatdyou guys think? Need improvements? No, yes, sorta, kinda, maybe? Lol

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