Harder than you think

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I wake up in the middle of the night yawning. I stretch and feel something tightens around my waist. I look down and see Alvin sleep with a pool of slob coming out his mouth.

I stiffle a giggle and try to get up. "Hey where are you going?" He asks sitting up yawning.

"To the bathroom." He releases me as I retreat to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and boy do I look a mess. I wash my face and applied mascara to my eyes.

I walk out the bathroom and sit on the bed sighing. Alvin comes in the room and say.
"Dinner is ready." I nod my head smiling.
"Ok." I get up and followed Alvin downstairs.
We sit down at the table with everyone else.
"So Brittany, what was the matter with you today?" Dave asks.
I shake my head.
"I dont wanna talk about it." I respond.
"What did Alvin do this time?" Simon say monotonously.
Alvin jab his fork in the table and glared at Simon.
"What makes you think I even did anything to Britt?" He spat.
Simon just crossed his arms.
"Well for one thing you are Alvin Seville. So why wouldn't I think you did something to her?" Simon says as matter-of-fact. Alvin tight lips turned into a mischievous smirk.
"Oh I did something to her alright. I swooned her. You saw how she was dancing all over me earlier. She couldnt resist me then and most likely she cant resist me now."

My sisters look at me smiling and I rolled my eyes. "Alvin shut your trap." He winks at me and say.
"Kiss me and I will."
I nearly choked on my mash potatoes.
"Excuse me? Kiss you? Nah-uh. No thanks."
Alvin then starts to pout. "Oh why not princess?"
I glare at him and Dave go.
"Alvin no flirting at the table."
Jeanette turns and look at Dave.
"Dave its Alvin. Hes always going to flirt. Although with Brittany its surprising." She says amusingly.

Theo and Ellie hasnt said not one word to each other. I clear my throat and Theo look at me. I nod my head towards Ellie and he got the hint.
"Um Eleanor? Can I talk with you for a minute."
Ellie looks up. "Um, sure." They get up and walk outside on the porch.

"Playing match maker arent ya." I hit Alvin in the stomach. "Shut up. No, they needed to talk."
He chuckles. "Theo is gonna screw this up. You just watch. 3 minutes."
I glare at him. "Im gonna screw you in 3 minutes if you dont shut up."
"Your room or mines?" I stare at Alvin in disgust.
"Ew no. Keep your stuff in your pants man whore." I say. Dave stands up and stretch.
"Well 'munkos, im turning in. I suggest you do the same too." He says as he dissappear upstairs.
Alvin took my plate and his and put it in the sink.
"Wanna watch a movie in my room or play a game." He asks.
I look up thinking before saying. "Movie."

"There was room on that damn door for Jack!!!!!" I scream at the movie. Alvin burst into a fit of giggles. "Man, you girls are head over hills for Leonardo Di'Caprio. Hes not dead for real its just a movie." He says laughing. I push him off the bed.
"Shut up. If it was you I would've let you on the door goddammit."
He sits up smiling at me. "You would huh?"
I roll my eyes. "Youre my best friend.
Why wouldn't I?"
He humps his shoulders. "Idunno. Why wouldnt you? Hey tomorrow im going down to the skatepark. Wanna come?"
"Sure." We sit in silence before I say. "Wait a minute. Why are you all of a sudden being nice to me when the other days you were acting like I flushed your hat down the toilet?" I ask crossing my arms.
He deeply sigh. "I wasnt mad at you Britt. I was mad at...them. And myself." I sit up and look at him. "Why were you mad at yourself?"

He looked down at his hands, which is something new. "Because I let you go." He says.

"Brittany where are you!!?" Jeanette screams and just as I was about to open the door she walks in.
"Oh sorry. See you are busy." She says with a smirk.
"No um, what do you want?" I ask. She jump up.
"Sister code." My eyes bulges out the skull of my head. I turn to Alvin. "Um, see you tomorrow?"
He humps his shoulders and plugged in his ear phones.
I roll my eyes and took that as a yes when me and Jeanette rush to Eleanor room.
We open the door and see her tossing EVERYTHING across the room.
"UGH!! HE ALWAYS TAKE UP FOR HER!!!!" She screams throwing her picture frame of her and Theo out the window.
"Eleanor!! Stop!" Jeanette tries to yell. Trust me her voice is not yell material.
"Jeannie dear watch me." I say and cleared my throat.
"ELEANOR!!!!!!!!!!" I yell and she stop and look at me. "Took some notes there Brittany." I chuckle at Jeanette and walk over to Ellie.
"Ellie what happened?" I say sweetly. She wipe her face from the tears. "He called me a liar."
Both me and Jeanette gasped. "No, are you sure?" "Yes im sure," She whines. "He took up for Julia. And so I told him I dont want to be his friend anymore and he was like fine. So I left and here I am making a category 9 hurricane." I giggled at that and so did the others.
"Girls, I hate seeing you upset. Youre my sisters! Also I have a problem on my hand as well. But Ellie, get proof ok? Or I will myself." She giggles and hugs me and Jeanette.
"Oh I love you two so much."
We sigh with awe struck until they let me go.
"So you have a problem too? Tell us."
I deeply sigh. "Allison and Alvin broke up." They both gasps. "Why?" Asked Jeannie.
"She cheated on him." Ellie looks like she was about to cry. "With who?"
I bit my lower lip. "Jonah." Then thats when the flood gates open for Ellie.
"Oh Britt im so sorry!" She cries. "Ellie its fine. I broke his nose though but im fine." I say reassuringly. "But thats not all."
They look at me. "Its not?" I shake my head.
"Alvin asked me to go to the skatepark tomorrow with him and I said 'yes' but then I asked him why he was being pissy with me. He said he wasnt-"

Eleanor held her hand up. "Wait. First, he plays some of your favorite One Direction songs, took you to a diner, asked you for a movie night in his room, called you princess and now....he asked you out to go to the skatepark?" Eleanor emphasize.
"Dont forget the flirting." Jeanette adds in. They both look at each other and squealed.
"Oh my gawd!!!! Are you and Alvin...."
I slap my hands over their mouths. "No! You didnt let me finish." I removed my hands once they calmed down. "He said he wasnt mad at me, he was mad at Jonah and Allison. But mostly himself." I say trailing off.

They looked confused. "Why himself?" Jeanette asked.
"He said because he let me go." I said trying not to cry or smile.
"Awwwww..you two should get back together." Ellie suggest. I shake my head. "No. Never. You guys remember what he did to me last time. Besides. Its harder than you think when youre under the same roof with your ex."

Jeanette punches my arm. "Its not hard as you make it. Besides, he wants you back Britt. We all can see it."
Ellie bobs her head up and down. "Yea. The way he smiles at you. He wants you back and Alvin, for one, never goes back to a girl."

Jeanette smiles. "She's so true. Unless, he loves her." She say and they both look at me.

I look at them and roll my eyes. "Pfh. Yea right. Im not falling for that."
They ignore me and say.
"And dont pretend we didnt see the way you guys were dancing with each other. He was gonna kiss you, you know."
My cheeks flushed and I say."Yea, I know."
"So give him another chance." Ellie says.
"No guys. I cant afford that to happen again."

They hump their shoulders. "Oh well. Im getting sleepy, see you guys tomorrow." We all yawn and went our separate ways. On my way out I look back at Ellie who just groan over the mess she made. I giggled and walked to my room.

"Psst! Hey Britt!" I turn around to see Alvin whispering. "What?" I whispered back. "Sleep in my room. Pleaaaseee." He says with the eyes and oh how hard it is to ignore them.
"Fine." I say and went in his room.

You may think I still want Alvin but, I dont. But you know that saying. 'Action speaks louder than words.'


*dog whistle* so wadduguysthink? Do Brittany love Alvin still? We already know Alvin confessed. But the question is, will Brittany.

although my mind is way to deep in the gutter lol

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