Truth Be Told

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Alvin P.O.V.
Brittany stares at me. "So?" Seriously? Thats all she has to say?
"Really Britt? I just told you that I lost the love of my life and all you say is 'so'?" I say in disbelief.

She shruggs her shoulders. "I mean yea, you never keep a girl more than a year." I crossed my arms.
"Oh yea? And how do you know?"

She look down at her hands for a moment. "Never mind." She mumbles.

"Exactly." I say. She deeply sigh.
"Do you remember when I was looking for you?"
I smuggly smile. "When are you not?"

She ignores me and say. "You were running late as usual for our date."
I frown at what she was getting at.

"Brittany, dont." I warn.
"You told me you loved me, you would never hurt me. You promised." She says still looking down before continuing.

"But what appreciation I get in return? You kissing another...girl." Wait was she crying?
"And everytime I see you, those words rush right into my mind. The lies." She says as she stands up.

"Britt look, im sorry that things didn't work out between the two of us. I didnt mean for it to happen like that." I say out of kindness.

But then she shakes her head. "If you were sorry...we would still be together."

I deeply sigh. "I know, I fucked up ok? But thats the past and you have to get over it like I did. And  besides, Allison cheated on me. Not the other way around."

She looks over at me. "With who?" I shift a little and say. "Someone named John." She nods her head. "Yea right." She say before stepping out the door. "Oh and Britt?"
She turns to me. "Yeah?" I stuff my hands in my pockets. "Truth be told, I never stopped caring about you."

She look down pondering before nodding her way out of my room. Truth be told I still want you.

"Shit!! Shit shit shit!!!" I toss my hat on the bed and sit down with my head in my hands. Why did I give her up? Why did I treat her like that? Hell if I cant admitt it to myself why do I think I could admitt it to her??

Geez I hate Brittany for making me love

Sorry for the short chapter guys but it seems to me that Mr. Macho finally says he loves Brittany still.
So any guesses who Allison was messing around with? No? Well hmu if you do.

Also, there will be more P.O.V's from Brittany and Alvin.

And oh Buddy and I played tug of war and he looks so cute when he shakes his head from side to side. I swear when he barks he has a little squeak in it but when another dog comes in the yard he hits puberty at an early stage lol (deeper bark lol) and oh he gets supper serious when Mr. Squeaky is missing. He looks EVERYWHERE. And when I mean everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE. And now a cow is sounding like a donkey lol. I live in the country so Cows are well known. Like they literally stay across the road from my house💆

SOoOOOOOOoOO, yeah, continue to the next chapter.

A Simple Kissحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن