Whose that?

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I slam my locker door shut with a loud bang. "Damn Aj, whats the matter with you?" I turn to Ashton with a 'are you serious?' look. He chuckles at me shaking his head. "Dude, you really need to smile. You haven't smiled since..." I stop in my tracks and pinned him against the locker. "You dont know shit. So shut the fuck up or I will implant your head into this damn locker!!" I shout at him, chest heaving in and out.

Everyone stopped in the halls and Raven pulled me away from him. "Get to class." I glare. "Dont fucking tell me what to do dipshit!" I knock his hand off my shoulder. "Calm down Aj, calm down." He calmly say. I run my hand through my hair and loudly growled hitting the lockers.

Everyone screamed and Raven dragged me out the halls.
"Look at me." I couldn't. Im so furious that EVERYONE knows. That EVERYONE feel sorry for me. "Look! At me!" I look at Raven whose face was turning red. He does that alot out of aggravation.
"Deep breath." He strokes my back as I do as he say until im calm. "Good?" I nod my head.

"Now Alvin, you cant take your anger out on everything. Or everyone." I clenched my fist at my first name. Alvin. Alvin Jr. Raven bite his lower lip. "Shit, sorry. Aj." I hugged him cause I needed that right now. He was tense but then relaxed. "Hey Aj, we should head out."

I pulled away fixing myself up. "Yea, we should." We open the door and soon as I turn around someone ran into me. I look down the girl.
"Oh uh sorry." She mumbled. I growl. "Watch where the fuck you are going." She walked around me without saying a word.
Wait. Who was she? I never seen her around before. "Aj!" I turn my head to Jessica and Brian. Uncle Si and Aunt Jeans kids. "Oh yea, whats up?"

Jessica crossed her arms. "You terrified the school that's whats up! Look I understand-"
I grabbed at my hair. "No one! Understand how I feel!! They were my parents for fuck sakes and they are never coming back!!!" I scream storming out the school. I get in my car and sit there before beating the shits out of my steering wheel.

"For fucks sake!!" I rest my head on my steering wheel crying. Everyone says they understand. No they dont! They have their parents! We don't!! Every fucking time they see me they whisper.
I lean back in my seat lighting up a blunt. I turn my music up blaring louder than a siren.
Onced I chilled, I get out of my car and lean against it. "Um, excuse me do you-" I hear the sweet voice and I turn to see her.
She froze and say. "Oh never mind-"
"No, what do you want?" Putting out my blunt.
She fiddled with her hands. "Um, I was looking for someone named Alvin Jr?"
I bit my tongue from telling her off. "Whose asking?"
"Well you see in sci-"
"Whats your name?"
I frown and clenched my fist. "Fucking whore!!!" She flinched and stepped back.
"I'll just...yea." She scurried off and I kicked my car and hopped in. I started up the engine and drive off.

Her name is Brittany. Just like mom.

Hiii! This chapter was pretty depressing so Aj inherited the singing voice from both Alvin and Brittany. Raven too. Melody get hers from Brittany.

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