Super Sayian Legend

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I don't own dbz.
That's Miyoko as Super Sayian

I educed a plate full of food and dishes it out to Beerus. "Thank you for feeding him." I glanced at the guy next to him. Highly well put together. "I'm sorry, I never got your name." I adhered my hand out. "Whis." He glared at my hand. I laughed nervously backing away. I bumped into Trunks, nearly falling over. "Woah!!" He clutched onto my arm and yanked me into his arms. I shoved him away. "I am sorry!!" He twisted his body the other direction. "Miyoko!!" I jumped. "Mind coming here child?" I slowly rotated and wobbled my way towards Beerus. "You are quite pretty.." I heard my brother's foot bouncing up and down. My dad's sweat hitting the table. Silence was my best friend. "You look just like Baradock, your grandfather." I sucked in my breath. "How did you know my father?" My dad stood up quick. "He was a warrior. It's not uncommon for his name to pop up." He picked his teeth. He stretched out of his chair. "Time to battle." He formed a kai in his hands aiming it at Goten. I jumped in front of Goten arms open. "Beerus..Goten isn't what you are looking for.."
"Nahaha and what makes you say.."
"Don't hurt my brother." I scowled. "Beerus the only people you will be battling is Son Goku and Son Miyoko." Everyone gasped. Beerus snarled. "I admire your bravery young one. But I also know that you know why that is.." He trampled towards me. "Your dad needs the are already half way there little one.." he smirked and grabbed Trunks by the arm. "You see, Miyoko. You knew exactly that you could turn Super Sayian Legend and your dad would follow right along with you. So let's see how long Trunks can withstand.."  He put an orb an energy towards Trunks' face. I twitched. "Miyoko read his mind.." I shook my head. "I'd never use my power against my friend.."
"But he isn't your friend is he!?" He pushed the orb closer to Trunks. "He is more than that, I see it in your eyes. You love this young kid." The orb was inches from his face. "Stop!!!" Bulma yelled from the sidelines. "Please not my baby boy." Vegeta was holding her back. Fear hoard their eyes. "I'll do it.." I whispered. "W.."
"I'll do it! Let him go." Beerus took the orb away and threw Trunks on the ground. "T..Trunks I am sorry." I grabbed his head and put it close to mine. "M..miyoko what are you d..?" The sky got dark, lightening flashed across the sky. My hair was glowing. "Take everyone and run.." I threw him to where his parents were. "Everyone leave!" I barked. "No, we won't!" I glared at my brother. "Miyoko! You had to use that power to reach super sayian legend.." Beerus smirked. "I cannot Beerus. Like you said Trunks means too much to me. Super Sayian two will just have to be enough.." I raised my power level. "Miyoko that just won't be enough!" He popped behind me and punched me in my spine. I screamed in pain. "Miyoko!" Gohan attempted to run towards me but was blasted. "Gohan!!" Tears swelled in my eyes. "That's enough!" My dad jumped behind Beerus. "I refuse to let you terrorize my children." I flew to Gohan's side with Videl and my mom. "I am fine. Don't worry about it." My dad leveled up to Super Sayian 3 and tried to hit Beerus. It didn't work. It wasn't going to work. "Dad! Stop." I walked towards the fight. "It won't work. Beerus is a God. He wants to fight A Super Sayian Legend." I stood next to him. "Miyoko. You are one smart girl. I'll let you in on a deal..I give you 7 days to prepare to battle. If I win I get to destroy your planet, but if I lose, I'll let you in on the special battle.."
"Wh.." and like that he was gone. Everyone was silent. "What was..that?????" Krillen and Yamcha were shocked. "I can't have one good party!!!" Bulma was throwing a fit. "Miyoko..are you okay?" My dad placed his hand on my shoulder. I let out a long sight. "Eight years was too long of a break anyways." I slightly laughed. Trunks ran by my side. "Miyoko. What was going on why did you..why did you let that guy in?!" Trunks was infuriated. "Trunks I knew exactly what he was going to do if I didn't let.."
"You put everyone in danger! You put my mom in danger. My family! And more importantly yourself!" He so angry with me. "T..Trunks I'm sorry."
"She was just protecting all of us." My dad budded in. "Miyoko tell everyone what you saw." Everyone surrounded me. "I to turn Super Sayian Legend. I saw that I was capable with the gift I had and my dad was capable because he is a full blood sayian.." I trailed off. "I also saw..that if I treated him with any type of disrespect he was going to hurt all of you..who knows Vegeta is the prince of he was going to go for Trunks or Bulma.." my voice was shaky. "He liked food! So that's why I offered him some. I know it doesn't make any sense to anyone but that's what it was I promise." I panicked. " saved my life again." Trunks sighed. "You saved us all. You are a true Z fighter squirt." Gohan punched my arm. "Bulma..I am sorry I ruined your dinner party.." I whined. "Oh...honey. I should've known better. Trouble always happens in this family." She laughed and gave me a hug. " does Super Sayian Legend work?" Krillen asked curiously. " dad has to do a ritual. I, however, only have to bring that power out. I am assuming that's why Beerus wanted me to reveal Trunks' fear. It would bring it out.." I glanced at Trunks who was distant from the rest of us. "So..You have to train hard and dad has a ritual?"
"Pretty much.." I laughed. "It's gonna be reaaall fun!" I slouched back in my chair. "So Miyoko..what did Beerus mean when you said you loooooved Trunks hmmmm?" I blushed horribly. "Shut up Goten. I love Trunks like my best friend!" I scowled and turned away. "Mmmhmmm." Everyone laughed. I had a long journey ahead of me.

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