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I woke up the next morning with my pillow wet, and my stomach was rumbling. That's right; I didn't eat dinner last night. I walked downstairs in my pajamas, hoping my mom wouldn't be up. She wasn't. I continued to the kitchen and very quietly started to get a bowl of cereal. I had to do this as quickly as possible. There was a time when my mom got up and came down to the kitchen. Five minutes. I got this. I poured the milk and got a spoon out, making sure everything was in the perfect spot. The milk tilted to the right in the top corner of the fridge, and on the high self. The cereal in the cabinet with the title facing outward and next to the other boxes of cereal. Perfect. One minute to spare. I ran upstairs into my room and very gently closed the door. Yes, I did it. With the pride building up in my chest, I sat on my bed and started to eat my cereal.   Maybe, my day won't be too bad. Possibly, I'll be alright today. Just maybe.

  I got dressed into my GI and went downstairs. I felt a Kai. A familiar one. Trunks. He is here! I ran faster towards the living room and saw him standing there with Goten. "TRUNKS!" I yelled and ran to give him the biggest bear hug. "Oh, Good morning Miyo." He smiled and blushed. "We would've come upstairs and gotten you, but we thought you were still slee-" 

"I knew you were awake, Miyo!" Goten interrupted. "I did, I did! Trunks said to let you sleep, but I knew you were awake!" Trunks rolled his eyes and sighed in irritation. I giggled at both of them, feeling a little bit of happiness. "Where's Gohan?"                                           

 "I'm in here!" I heard his voice in the kitchen and instantly ran to him. "Good morning, Miyoko." "Good morning Gohan!" I gave him a big hug. "Are we gonna go out and train today?" I looked at him with excitement. "Well, I have some studying mom wants me to do.." I started to look disappointed. "...but I will make time for my little sister." He winks at me, and I jumped in excitement. "Oh, thank you! Thank you! I love you, Gohan!"

 "I love you too, now go play with Trunks and Goten while I go finish studying okay?" I nodded and ran back into the living room. "Come on, Goten, it would be so much fun! I bet Miyo would do it!"                     

"What would I do?" Trunks started to give me a mischievous smile.  "What? What would I do?"

"You would go out and find all the dragon balls." I sweatdropped. 

"You two want me to do all the work while you train. That's not fair. I did it last time." I pouted."Well, Goten was supposed to, but he's too LAZY!" 

"YOU ARE TOO!" Goten and Trunks started to yell back and forth with am not's and are too's.  I could not take one more sound of it. "I WILL DO IT JUST BE QUIET!" They both looked at me and smiled. "Thank you, Miyo!  We owe you one!" This is my chance. I got this. 

"Like one of the wishes. Yea? Okay! Bye!" Before they could argue with me, I took the dragon radar and flew away. 'Nice job Miyo. You got a wish.' Pride built up in my chest again, and I smiled to myself. Everything is going smoothly today. No problems.                                                            Suddenly I feel a kai. A strong kai. 'Woah..who's that? It's not any of the fighters I know. Now, if Gohan or Goten were here, they would tell me to keep going, but they are not here. So...here I go. Follow the kai!' I changed directions and started to fly towards the strong kai. 'Wait! I should walk and hide my kai. I don't want this person or whatever to know I am following them.' I flew to the ground and started to walk. 'Well, this sucks. I hate walking.' I kicked a rock around while following the kai. Until finally, it stopped. Is it here? I looked around and saw this pink thing standing around. 'What in the world is that thing?' I looked closer, and he freaked me out. "Majin Buu! We don't have the time to stand around. We have to go back to my lab and get you stronger so you can beat Goku when he arrives." Daddy? What do they want with my daddy? I felt scared and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. So I turned around and started to run off when the pink creature popped up right in front of me. "Now, what are you doing, little lady? Hasn't your mother ever told you it's rude to eavesdrop?" He picked me up and started walking to the other guy. "Hey! Put me down!!" He dropped me onto the ground. "Hey! I didn't mean literally. Jeez, that hurt.." They both looked at me then went off whispering. This is my chance! Runaway. I stood up and started to run away. Before I could realize it, the pink guy jumped in front of me. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. With the blood on my hands, I fell to the ground and fell asleep. A deep, deep sleep.

Alright guys there is chapter 3 for you! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Leave comments and ideas so I know what I can add and how to improve my story. Until next time, BYE BYE :)                                                                                                                                                                          

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