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I still don't own dbz :(

Goku's P.O.V.
I had a sickening feeling in my stomach. My poor little girl was out there, alone. She is so strong at such a young age. *stops suddenly*
Was that her? No that is too strong. "Vegeta, you feel that too right?"
"Yes. It's powerful. We should approach." I nodded and stopped flying with Vegeta. Who was this?

Gohan's P.O.V.
I just felt Dad's and Vegeta Kai, they are close. I hid in the bushes and saw a fairly muscular pink...alien? What is that? I wanted to move closer, but that would blow my position for sure. Was this the guy who killed my sister? "Remember Majin Buu. We want the girl. She is the strongest out of all the Saiyans. If we get her, we will be unstoppable!" No. They want my sister? Not again. Never again. "You can come out from the bushes now." Shoot. I was spotted. I slowly stepped out hiding all of my Kai. Dad where are you? "You have the same eyes as that girl. Are you related?" I didn't answer. "Come on, boy. Don't make us get it out of you." I stepped back. I will never blow Miyo's cover. I will always protect her.  Before I knew it, Majin Buu hit me in the gut. Leaving me flying. I stopped myself. I can't fight. If they think I am strong they will take me. "Again."
Majin Buu hit me again. What could I possibly do in this situation? Let him beat me? "Come on boy. Where's the Saiyan blood?" Shoot. They know I am a Saiyan. "I am only half. Not full." I looked at them dead in the eyes. "And if you think you are going to even touch Miyo, you got another thing coming." Majin Buu laughed. "Miyoko is your sister. Miyoko is mine." Did this guy even speak English? I turned super saiyan, realizing it was a huge risk factor. But I had to protect her. "Miyoko is my sister. I will protect her." They laughed. "Did you do it? Did you kill Miyoko?" Majin Buu stoped. "Kill? I killed Sister?" Did he not realize he killed her? "Yes you did. Which means you can't have her! She's still dead. You can't absorb a dead body!" I felt relieved and all of a sudden terrified. Majin Buu moved closer to me. I got ready "Then I guess Majin Buu absorb you." I prepared to fight, but he got ahold of me too quickly. He was..absorbing me. I wasn't going to come home to Miyoko and Goten. I lied to them. "GOHAN!" Dad? He is here. isn't too late for Miyoko and Goten. They have dad. I took my last breath and closed my eyes. I will be home soon.

Goku's P.O.V
I watched in horror as Gohan was being absorbed by this thing. He was the same guy who killed Miyoko. I knew it. "Where is my son?" I stepped closer turning super saiyan. Vegeta threw a rock at me. "Kakarot, have you forgotten the power level?" I stopped and realized that he was a lot stronger than what he is showing. "Gohan strong. Gohan apart of me now." The creature turned super saiyan as well. "How is that possible? He isn't saiyan is he?"
"Of course not Kakorat. He absorbed Gohan's power. I guess that means whatever affects his victims have."
"The same affects he will have."
"Exactly." This was going to be a lot more difficult than I thought. "Wait who is that?" I saw a man in the background. "I am the leader of Majin Buu. My creation." I looked at him "Your creation killed my son and my daughter."
"And it looks like it runs in the family." He saw that I was still dead as well. "You should do I better job protecting your family." Something about that hit me. I thought I was protecting my family in all the right ways..maybe I am not. "Kakorat get it togeth-" before Vegeta could finish, he was held down. I tried to get Majin Buu off of him but I was hit hard. I was about to turn super saiyan before Vegeta stopped me. "Kakorat don't be an idiot." He was right, releasing my power was too risky. I needed to fight though. I punched Majin Buu right off of Vegeta. It did no damage whatsoever, but it was enough to get Vegeta free. "Vegeta, what is the M on your forehead?" I looked and saw this big M on his head. "It's too late. Your friend is now my friend."  What is this doctor talking about? "Vegeta?!" I was panicking. Vegeta was just fine a little bit ago. I put my hand on his shoulder, but he hit me in the gut. "What the hell, Vegeta?!" What is going on? Why is he attacking me?! Vegeta hit me again, but thus time I blocked it. I turned super saiyan before he did and used my kamehameha. It did a little damage, but not enough. I felt Majin Buu trying to fight me as well. What was their goal?! I flew up, dodging both of them. "Vegeta! Majin Buu! I got an idea on how to get the girl. Let's go." The girl? It better not be my daughter! "What girl?" I tried to follow but was hit by Majin Buu and Vegeta with their kai blasts. I felt weak all of a sudden. Did my power drain? I tried to get up, but no use. They were already gone. 'Oh dende. Please send help."

Miyoko's P.O.V.
Me, Goten, and Trunks reached the hideout. We saw our moms there, as well as Krillen, Picciolo, 18, and well everyone else! "Mom!" Both Trunks and Goten ran to their moms. I laid back, not feeling fit in. "Miyoko! Are you okay?!" My mom pressed her hand against my forehead. "Y..yeah. I am fine." I blushed a little not used to the feeling of her warm hands. "Where is Gohan and Goku?"
"Where is Vegeta?" I looked down, feeling guilty that I left my brother there.
"GUYS IT'S GOKU HE NEEDS HELP!" Dende yelled making me jump. Daddy? Everyone ran to Dende. "He is in the forest next to the city. Picciolo, Krillen, Yamcha, go get him! Bring a sensu bean!" They hurried along making me incredibly nervous. "Dende where is Gohan? He was down there too!" I started shaking his leg. "I don't know Miyoko I can't find him." I couldn't breathe. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHERE IS GOHAN?!" I started to scream. Goten and Trunks rubbed my hands. "He is probably fine okay? Don't worry. Let's go sit down."
Time Skip
I waited for what seemed like forever for my dad and others to return. "GOKU!" I stood up and saw my dad. I ran to him with my brother and hugged him tight. "Daddy what happened?! Where is Gohan and Veggie?!" I looked at him in the eyes. The color was gone. "D..daddy?" I stepped back. Tears forming in my eyes. "Gohan is..gone." My mom fell to the floor and Goten started to shake. My chest got tight and I covered my ears. All I could hear was that Veggie was being controlled. I heard everyone's tears and it hurt me. I felt my dad's hands on my hands. "Miyo..hear me." I looked at the ground shaking. The tears wouldn't stop flowing. My cries became louder. "Miyoko, we can bring him back, like we will bring you back." My legs trembled as the cries became longer and louder. All I could manage to say was his name. Everyone stopped crying and looked at me. "Miyoko stop it." That's all I could hear my dad say, but I couldn't stop. It hurt so much. I felt my brother hug me and Trunks did too. "I..I am sorry to interrupt, but I have a plan." Dende interrupted quietly. "I know people who could train you, Miyoko and you as well Goku." I looked at him still crying hard. "Gohan..might be there as well." I stopped crying a little bit before King Kai budded in. "Gohan has met them already. The boy will be stronger than ever. Miyoko needs to go to control her powers and become stronger. Goku you too, I will tell you guys how to get there when you come back."  I held my brother close not wanting to leave him or my best friend. They both looked at me. "Go get stronger for us okay?" I nodded, feeling better that I had their acceptance. "I promise to come back stronger!" Gohan, I will see you soon.

Chapter 12! It is super long! Would you guys prefer this type or shorter? Let me know! Thank you for the support. Byeee

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