Can You See Me?

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Hey guys here's chapter 8! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Thank you for reading this it means the world that 154 people have read my story. That's nuts to me! Thank you so much you guys!!!

I am going home today. My dad is going back because it's his day to.. so I'm going with him. I am really excited to see my brothers and my best friend. I can't wait. "Miyoko! Are you about ready?" I ran to my dad and nodded. "I'm ready when you are daddy." He smiled at me. It was kinda funny. Him and my brothers had the same exact smile. This with lady floating on a ball thing then said,"Alright, let's get you two home." I smiled and took my daddy's hand.

Gohan's P.O.V
My dad and sister are coming home today. We are all here waiting for them. Is it wrong to say that I'm wanting to see my baby sister more than my dad? I miss her like crazy. I know it's not my fault my dad died.. but it is my fault that my baby sister died. I hope we find the dragon radar or dragon balls soon. I want her home. I think my mom even misses her a little bit. A few days ago she yelled Miyoko's name and when we reminded her that she was gone, I saw a tear roll down her face. I was shocked. I didn't think my mom cared for Miyoko. "Where are they?"
"I am not sure. Do you think they were able to? Is it canceled?"
"I'll give them a call."
"Me too." The conversations were the just blabber to me. I was too focused on seeing my sister and dad. "Hiya! Who missed me?" My heart dropped. Was that- no I'm just hearing things. I turned around and saw my dad. My little sister was on his shoulder. "D-dad? Miyoko?"

Miyoko's P.O.V
I saw my brother Gohan standing there. Staring right at me. I felt the tears roll down my face. "Gohan-chan!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I hopped off my dad's shoulder and ran as fast as I could to my brother. "Gohan I've missed you so much!" I ran into his arms and cried and for the first time I felt my big brother cry as well. "I've missed you so much Miyoko. I am so sorry.." I looked at my brother and smiled."Gohan-sama it's not your fault." I then felt a Kai.. a really familiar kai.. Goten! I let go of Gohan and turned to se Goten hugging daddy. "Goten!!! Goten I've missed you! I am so sorry!" Goten let go of dad and ran to me. "Miyo-chan I've missed you so much. I am so sorry for yelling at you. Forgive me." I hugged my brother closer and whispered " It's okay, but don't ever yell and to me again or else I'm gonna beat you up." Everyone laughed. It felt so good to be home again. I then realized that my mom was here as well. Dad doesn't know. I turned to look at her. "" She turned to look at me and before she could say anything I said "I've missed you. I've missed you a lot." Tears started to form in here eyes. I thought she was going to slap me for saying it, but instead she hugged me. I just stood there. "Miyoko, I'm sorry. I do love you. I just wanted a perfect little girl. Someone that isn't like me. Forgive me. I'll be a better mommy." To feel my mother's warmth for the first time was enough to make me ball. "I love you mommy."
"I love you too, Miyo." My mother let go of me and I went back on my daddy's shoulder. "Are we going to go to the tournament or not?" I totally forgot about the tournament. "Will I be able to join? I wanna join too. Pretty please?" My brothers laughed." Of course you can!" My mother said in an excited tone. I got excited and yelled "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Trunks' P.O.V
Miyoko is home supposedly. I am already here at the tournament waiting for everyone to show up. I ditched everyone back there. I wasn't ready to see Miyoko. Part of me is angry still for letting her leave. I can't talk to her, I'll end up hurting her if I do. I don't want to hurt her anymore.." Trunks! Where have you been? Miyoko is home!" My mom asked worridly. "I just wanted to walk around. I didn't think she would be home anytime soon."
"Well she is on her way. She'll be here any second. Get ready." My mom's words trailed off as she walked away. Crap. She's almost here. Whatever you do Trunks do not talk to her. No matter what.

Miyoko's P.O.V (Play Music)
I showed up at the tournament with my family, happy as I can be when I saw Trunks at the enterance. My best friend was standing right there in front of me. I hopped off my dad's shoulder and ran to my best friend. "Trunks!! I've missed you so much!! I have so much to tell you!! I saw this big guys and I was stuck walking this really really long snake path thingy!!" I tried to hug my best friend but he rejected it. He pushed me away.."I'm glad you had fun up there." I looked up himself sadly. "Didn't you miss me?" He looked at me and walked off. My heart sunk into a black hole. Why didn't he miss me? "I'll be back you guys! I'm gonna catch up with Trunks!" I waved to my family and ran to catch up with my best friend.
"Hey Trunks! I know you were joking with me. You can hug me now and say you missed me." Trunks shrugged my hand away and kept walking. "Trunks! What the heck! I've been gone! No sory dead and this is how you treat me??" He stopped and jerked. "Maybe I didn't miss you! Why don't you just leave me alone?! Go bother someone else for a change!" He flew off and I stood there crying, angry. How dare he? I thought he cared about me. He was supposed to be my best friend! That's not fair.. thats not fair!!! He can't do that. I started circling around holding my head and throwing kicking rocks. "What did I ever do to you Trunks, huh?!?!" I started to raise my power level. Letting my emotions free. I got so angry. Tears rolled down my face as I yelled louder. "What did I do to you?!?!?!" I yelled and raised my power level so high. My hair changed colors and my heart stopped. Sudden. I felt my whole head pounding and I got dizzy. I passed out. I woke up in a strange world. "Miyoko..." I looked up and saw a tall girl in glasses, black hair and a gi that looked like my brothers. "Who are you?"
"Why, my dear, I'm you."

Well that's it for this chapter! Thanks for reading guys! Love y'all!!

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