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I don't own dbz unfortunately 😭 All respected rights to original creators~

Miyoko's P.O.V
It's been a few days since me and Gohan returned from being dead and the only thing anyone has been focused on is training. I get it, the world is in danger and all, but I am tired. My feet ache and my gi is all worn out. "Alrighty, squirt, I am going to throw this beam at you. Deflect it!"
"Wait, Gohan what's a beam?" Oh yeah. Have I mentioned my brother's new friend? Her name is Videl and she has been hogging all of my brother's attention. "Just throw the beam at me, Gohan!" He walked the opposite direction to show Videl this beam. He promised to train her which I think is ridiculous. I rolled my eyes. "When you are ready to actually train, let me know!!!! WITHOUT VIDEL!" I stormed off. I definitely needed a break. A perfect spot in the trees. I climbed up and sat against it. I felt the sun beating against my body and the wind tangling in my hair. Then a soft touch hit my arm. I jumped. "Sorry, sorry. It's just me."
"Jeez, Trunks! I could've beaten you up.."
"I'd like to see you try!" He laughed making a spot next to me. "I'm sorry. I just needed a break from working and I saw you. So I figured we could break together." He peaked a smile at me. I started to lean against his arm and yawn uncontrollably. "Trunks, I completely agree. Thank you for finding me.." I smiled drifting off to sleep.
Trunks P.O.V.
I completely lied to her..If I am being honest, I have been following Miyoko everywhere. I sensed her power level and followed it. Between me and Goten, we have been taking turns following her to make sure she is okay. We are terrified of losing her again. I looked down to get a look at her. Asleep. She looked calm..peaceful. She was truly amazing and has kept it together for so long. I felt her warmth against my arm, spreading throughout my body. My eyes grew heavy and with my look, I glanced at her. Smiling and content.
Goku's P.O.V
We have mastered the fusing technique. Ready to go back to Earth. "I don't know if I want to trade my life for yours, Vegeta." Supreme Kai smirked. "What's that supposed to mean?! You're just going to let me die here?" What was the supreme Kai thinking? We had a mission to do. "Maybe we can make a deal..I give you my life..and you let me kiss your wife." "HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?! MAYBE YOU ARE GETTING A LITTLE TOO OLD!"
"Supreme Kai don't be stupid. We are trying to go back."
"Alright, maybe I can kiss your daughter then when she grows into a woman."
"EXCUSE ME?!" Kibito stepped in between us. "ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH. NO KISSING SIR PLEASE!" I wanted to get off this planet as soon as possible. "Just let us go Kibito." Yes of course right away. Remember your techniques! It will save you." He wished us farewell and off we went with Baba. I couldn't wait to be home.
Miyoko's P.O.V
The breeze blew against my face, waking me up. I glanced over and realized that I was snuggled up against Trunks. I backed up immediately which woke him up.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah..yeah sorry. I had forgotten where I was." I looked away to hide the blushing. "Oh yeah makes sense." He nervously laughed. I looked up and saw something flying fast. "Did you see that too?"
"You know I did." Trunks and I flew up and fast following whatever was going towards my house. That felt too familiar. "Miyoko I think that's my dad!" I chocked up. It looked an awful lot like Vegeta and that looked like my dad! They don't have halos, it would be impossible right? I flew faster I had to see.
Before we knew it, they stopped. As we flew closer, we found it was them. Trunks flew towards his dad, happy I had seen him.
As for I..I stopped. My dad's halo was gone. "Hiya kiddo! I was able to switch a life with someone else. So I think you will have a dad for a while." He smiled. I started to cry. A life with my dad.
"R-really?" Was all I could manage to say. I flew and hugged him. "WE GOTTA GO TELL EVERYONE!" I dragged my dad. Excited to see everyone happy. To have a family again.
I flew fast with my dad, not caring if it would take all my energy away. I reached home and barged through the door. "Miyoko!! Where have you been we.."
"DAD IS IS DAD IS HERE HE IS HERE ALIVE!!!" Everyone looked at me lost. "Hiya guys! I brought Vegeta too!" More silence. I saw tears form. "Well, are you all gonna just stand there?!" Everyone piled around my dad and Vegeta. Happy, relieved, excited. I saw my family as a whole, something I had never seen before. It brought me tears. Gohan grabbed my arm and pulled me in the group hug. I felt so much warmth. Is this what a family feels like? "Kakarot. As much as I just LOVE hugs, we should explain the new technique."
"Right, of course. It is a fusion technique. It's a great technique. And better yet- we have a plan."

Woo another chapter whipped out! I will try to upload more. Thank you for the long support!!

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