Game Plan

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I don't own dbz~

Everyone was excited for my dad and Vegeta being back, but we still had a game plan to execute. We had a war to fight.
On their journey, they learned a new technique. A fusion technique. It's basically them becoming one. It's really cool and has its perks, only lasts for a limited of time. "Gohan, Vegeta, and I will participate in the battle. Trunks and Goten you will go back to the hideout and learn this fusion technique by Piccolo."
"What about me?! What am I gonna do?!" I said in excitement. "Nothing. You will stay put at the hideout." I frowned.
"Why?! I can fight I am perfectly capable."
"You will not participate. You will stay put at the hideout."
"But dad.."
"It's too dangerous for you. Goten and Trunks you two will protect her." The last thing I wanted was bodyguards. I was angry and scared. I never heard him shout like that. This wasn't fair! I shouls go and fight. I am perfectly capable! I trained and for what?! Nothing. I did it for nothing. Tears of anger swarmed in my eyes. "Miyo..are you okay?" Goten looked at me, which made everyone else look at me. It made everything worse. More tears came down faster. "I am perfectly capable to fight.." I mumbled. "Squirt, this is for your own good."
"I don't see why she can't." Trunks barded in. "She did all that training why not put it into good use?"
"No it's not all.."
"Goku, maybe they are right."
"I said.."
"Dad, she did all that training."
"Majin Buu wants her!" Hesitation burned the room. "He knows her power he will get to her. This is more than saving the world damnit it's about protecting the only daughter I have!" My heart sank. "...he will absorb her power and we will all be dead." All be dead? The words jumbled inside my head. I was putting everyone in danger and even worse, they are all trying to protect me. "Goten, Trunks. Take Miyoko to the" My dad turned his back. Not even a glance.. "Come on Miyoko." My brother took my hand and we flew out the door.

Goku's P.O.V
I couldn't look at her walking out. The tears were enough. "What made you change your mind, dad?" Gohan leaned around me. "Well..I don't know. I thought she would fight..but I can't. You know how excited I was about having a girl, Gohan. She means everything to me." He sighed.
"Dad, I know exactly how you feel.. I never thought how important she would be to me, but as soon as I held her when she was born, I fell under this trap..I raised her I did everything I could to protect her.." He trailed off. "But..she is a Son..she can't be held back forever. If she sees us failing, you can't expect her to not do something."
"Then we can't fail.." I stood up. "Gohan, Vegeta. Let's go. We need to find this guy before he finds her." They nodded and off they went. "Goku!" ChiChi pulled my arm. "Protect our daughter and please..come back home safe.." I kissed her forehead. "ChiChi. I promise you, I will be back. This will blow over and we can do whatever you want with the kids. I promise!" I smiled and hugged her. "I won't let anything happen to her." I flew off after Gohan and Vegeta.
I was more than ready.

Miyoko's P.O.V.
We all made it to the hideout. Everyone was scrambling to get stuff done, to get ready for this huge battle. And I...
I was sitting at the edge of the hideout. Throwing rocks into the clouds, watching them fall. "Miyoko!" Dende appeared behind me. "What are you doing over here? Shouldn't you be training?"
I deep sighed and fell on my back. "Oh no..what's wrong?"
"Dad won't let me fight!!"
"What?! Goku won't let you fight?! That's unlike him.."
"He says Majin Buu is after me.."
Dende sat next to me.
"After you?..that would make sense. You are the strongest Sayian.."
"So?! My dad is the best! Super Sayian 3!!! People were after him and he never stopped fighting!!"
I kicked my legs in the air in frustration. "Miyoko, think of it this way. You are your dad's only daughter. You are your brothers' only sister. And Trunks cares about you more than anyone he has ever came into contact with. Hell! Even Vegeta cares a lot about you and he is more cold than most people here! To push even further, you are the only Sayian are so important they would rather risk their lives to protect you." I sat up in defeat. "Dende, I don't want anyone to put their lives on the line for me. They have been so sad when I died..they deserve more! If I am the strongest they should let me go!"
"No, they need you here. Your dad needs you here." Tears trickled down my cheeks. He was right. Dad needed me here. Safe. I guess I never knew how much dad cared about me..I never saw how much anyone cared about me. But looking back..all of them do so much. I am protected and it was time I do my best to help. I stood up. "Dende, can you help me? I am going to put some health packs together and help Goten and Trunks train. It's time I do my best at the hideout!"

Thanks for the support! Much love 💞

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