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"Thanks again Charlie, we mean it." Mark says and he hugs me. I stiffen for a moment but gently hug him back. How can I know that they do not belong to the enemy now? Fuck my life. Literally. "How did you know we were there?" Elena asks and Sophie is sleeping in her lap. "Uhm yes coincidence." I say. It is not convenient to tell them that I can communicate with the moon goddess at any time if it permits. "Daniel, are you Charlie's mate?" Says Elena and I tighten. "Unfortunately not ma'am." He says and I have to think back to what he told me.

Daniel likes me. Ever since we were teenagers and we just felt comfortable together while we went skinny dipping. Holy shit. "Have you found your mate yet?" Mark says and I stare at him. I nod slowly and clench my fists while I look at it. 'What is he like?' Asks Elena a little too enthusiastically and Daniel walks towards me quickly. "Breathe Charlie." He murmured in my ear and I only now realize that I was holding my breath. "I'd rather not talk about it." I say softly and Elena nods slowly while she looks at me strangely.

"Elena leave it." Mark says and she nods with a deep sigh. "How do you feel?" I ask and Mark smiles at me. " it's better, thanks to you, of course. We owe you forever." He says and I nod at him. "You also helped me in the years before, especially at the FBI. Maybe I will need you later." I say thinking about the war that will definitely come. It doesn't matter how much we train or how many people we have. The war will come...

"Where are you going later?" Elena asks. 'We are going home.' I say and she nods thoughtfully. "Speaking of going home, it's time." Daniel says and I smile before I say goodbye quickly. "We will miss you and you have my number if you need me." Mark says and I give them all a hug. Even Sophie who is still sleeping. 'Bye!' I say smiling and Daniel and I walk to the car. The other warriors had already gone home so that they were home before dark. But I still had to talk to Mark so Daniel and I stayed behind.

"Ready?" Says Daniel and I nod before I get in. I let Daniel drive as my energy has deteriorated very quickly. I don't regret killing those vampires. They have threatened my friends, family and they will pay for it. Innocent or not. "Charlie, you sound like James now. You actually killed his family because they killed yours and it all started with his pack. And you were innocent first. " My wolf and I growl at her. 'Mind your own business.' I say and I block her before she can say anything else.

'Charlie?' Daniel says after sitting in silence for half an hour and I look at him. 'Yes?' I mutter. Fuck he's about to talk to me. "I didn't mean to offend you by saying I like you ... I've always thought James was bad for you, but  you're my best friend, I didn't want to ruin it." He says and I nod slowly. "I got caught in it myself." I say and he nods with a deep sigh. "Listen, maybe we can start again?" He asks.

"What do you mean by starting over?" I mutter and he takes my hand with his free hand that is not on the wheel. 'I want us to become more. I have something to confess... you know when I was sick and had nightmares a couple of years ago? ' He asks me and I remember the moment too well. A few weeks before I went to the FBI, Daniel suddenly became very ill, we didn't know what, and we were all very worried because it was suddenly so strange that he was in a lot of pain and had all those nightmares.

"Yes .." I say and he squeezes my hand gently. "At first I didn't know what it was. I felt pain all over my body and I saw a girl die. Every Time again and again in my nightmares. " He says and I tighten. "I realized later that my mate died at a younger age." I stare at him in shock and he smiles weakly. "Fucking hell Daniel." I mutter and he nods. "My mother doesn't know because I know it will break her." He mumbles and he shakes a bit. I sigh deeply as he stops the car on the side of the road.

'Come here.' I mutter and hug him firmly. "Charlie ... I love you." He mumbles and I look at him. "Charlie don't do it." Phoenix says but I ignore it all. I smile at Daniel and I crawl on his lap. The moment I sit, our car is suddenly honking and I start to laugh with him. "Fucking dummy." He says with a smile and I look at him as he puts his hands on my hips. "I don't know it for sure, Daniel, but I know I want to make you happy, and maybe I can." I say softly and my lips merge with his. 'Are you sure?' He says in between our kisses and I nod with a smile. My lips meet Daniel's again and I move my hips against his. He growls low and grabs my lower lip with his teeth and gently bites into it. My moan sounds through the car and his tongue starts licking my mouth. I examine his mouth too and everything is starting to get very hot. I quickly gasp and he stares at me with a huge smile before our lips come together again. 

Please help me to forget my past...

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