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a picture above from Mike :P


'Where are the patrols..' Zoe says growling in my head and I shake my head. 'They need to hurry up.' I mumble and I look at the vampires sitting lazily by the trees. 'Should we attack?' She asks me and I nod slowly. 'We don't want them to escape.' I growl lowly and I feel my wolf her tail wiggle in my head.

Hearing leaves crack under someone their feet. I freeze looking at my right to see a vampire that I know too well. 'Get up lazy bastards.' The vampire snarls.

Marcel, He is the vampire leader who has a lot of power in our world. He has tried to kidnap me but never succeeded because me and my family were stronger than him.

'Sorry boss.' The vampires say in unison and I smirk. 'Hello, bastards.' I say before landing on the ground right next to the two minions of marcel. 'C-Charlie?' Marcel says looking with slight fear in his eyes at me but he quickly masks it. 'Yeah, no shit Sherlock.' I growl at him and he snarls at his minions to take me down at this right moment. 'Get her you fools!' He yells angry at them and they nod before charging at me. I roll my eyes at their foolish actions. These guys are probably newly turned vampires, you can see that on what kind of skills they have and not.

Letting them fly over me while ducking they smash against a tree. Groaning they stand up and try to circle me with Marcus smirking at me probably thinking I couldn't go against two vampires. Laughing slightly I suddenly charge at one of the young vampires and stab my knife into its head to distract him for a while. Extending my claws I pierce them through his chest, grabbing his heart and pulling it out. The vampire falls down on the ground with no color in its eyes anymore signing he died. Focusing on the other vampire that tries to sneak a knife into my back. I grab his wrist and twist it so he screams in pain and lets the knife fall to the ground. Since my other knife is into the dead vampire his eye I grab the knife from the ground and jump into the vampire who falls to the ground. I pierce my6 claws through his chest and grab his heart. While pulling the heart out I feel a hand on my shoulder before getting swung against a tree.

Shit that hurts! I growl and I see Marcus looking angry at me. Standing up I feel the blood sliding over my head from the blow against the tree. 'Fast I smell them!' I hear a voice close to us yell and I growl. Marcus looks up and he disappears just before I can kill him.

Different wolves come running to where I stand and they look wildly around them. 'Late.' I growl at them and they walk behind some trees to put on some clothes after shifting back.

'I'm sorry Alpha Charlie we had to pull one of our men out of the mud.' Alpha Derek says while walking over to me and I growl angrily at him. 'Marcel is gone now. Keep in contact with me when you have another vampire problem.' I say and Derek nods. 'Here.' The Beta Dante says and I take a napkin from his hands to clean my wound up a little.

'Goodbye.' I say before walking to my car that is parked by the petrol station. Sitting in the driver seat I take a sip from my bottle of Arizona and I push some chips in my mouth before starting the engine. 'let's get home.' I say yawning realizing I still have a couple of hours to drive before I can sleep in my soft bed.

After what looked like an entire year I see the familiar woods coming up to my right. The dark has consumed the roads and there is nobody to be seen. Slowly driving up the parking lot where different cars are standing I look up at the big pack house standing proudly between the trees. Stepping out of my car I grab my bags and my food and I start to walk to the pack house which is just 20 meters away. The light flashes on and I see my brother running towards me without pants on and I frown at him. 'Shut up don't ask.' He growls before suddenly jumping on me. We fall to the ground and I hug him laughing letting him hold into me for his life. 'Hey let me hug the bitch too!' My best friend Daniel yells before jumping on me and mike and hugging us. 'Dickheads.' I say groaning while standing up and they smile at me. 'You have been busy.' Daniel says nodding at the wound on my head and I nod.

'Talking about business. Dad wants to see you.' Mike says looking seriously at me and I nod knowing I had to. 'It is almost time.' Daniel mumbles before already walking inside with mike. I walk a couple of meters after them and I wipe the tears away knowing I had to see my dad slowly crumbling away because of my mothers death.

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