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Charlie POV:

'Hey Charlie, You have been gone for a long time now. Mike misses you but I try to pep him up since I am his mate. You don't know me but I have heard stories about you and I promise I will never let you down. If you would be gone the pack would break. Mike will break. I care about you even if you don't know me.' A voice says and I slowly feel my senses coming back to me. 'Charlie!' My wolf Zoe yells. 'Took you long enough.' Phelia groans in my head. 'What the fuck.' I say in my head. 'You have been gone for a long time. We were worried.' Zoe says and I suddenly feel someone hold my hand. 'Don't be scared when you open your eyes.' Phelia says and I slowly open my eyes to stare into steel-gray ones. The unknown boy has black hair and he stares and me. 'Who the fuck are you.' I say growling trying to sit up and jump out of the bed. My legs don't function good enough and before I know it I fall to the ground. 'Shit. Layla!' The boy yells and I slowly stand up regaining my strength. 'Welcome back to the fucked up world we live in.' Phelia says and I feel my eyes glow red. 'Holy Shit.' The boy says startled.

'What is it, Levi?' Layla says groaning and she walks into the room with Mike and Daniel following her. 'What-.' Daniel says staring at me. 'Your eyes.' Layla says calmly and I close my eyes calming down so that my eyes return to its normal color. I stare at my stomach realizing that there has been growing a child in it before It died. Layla stares at me with pity and I growl at her. 'Don't stare at me like that.' I say and they all take a step back. I pull out the IV that has been put into me. The eyes of the others follow my every movement not knowing what I could do to them. 'I am so sorry about...' Daniel says and I growl at him. 'It is my own fault. I know.' I say dryly and I feel my heart sting from the inside. Mike slowly walks towards me and a flash of James his cocky smirk flashes through my mind but I shake it off knowing I needed to man up. 'Hello brother.' I say before he pulls me into a tight hug.

'Don't do this to me ever again.' He says sadly in my ear and I nod slowly pushing him away. 'So brother. Found your mate?' I say and he nods with a small smile. I feel Daniel his stare burning me through the head and I frown dryly at him. He fastly looks away and I shrug before I get pulled into a hug by Layla. 'I am so sorry Charlie.' She says and I shake my head. 'It isn't your fault. You have done a good job healing me.' I say and she nods. 'How long was I away?' I ask and the guy called Levi slowly walks towards me. I growl loudly at him and he quickly steps away again. 'You were gone for three months.' He says and I look him over. He is kind of handsome, I hope that he doesn't hurt Mike. 'If you hurt my brother I will cut off your dick and shove it so deep into your ass that you die from the lack of fucking pooping.' I growl and he nods with a small smile.

"Come, Charlie, you have to shower," Layla says and I nod. Daniel takes my arm and looks at me with a look that we should talk. 'Later on.' I mutter and I follow Layla with wobbly legs to my room. "What happened in the meantime?" I ask. straight to business. "Nothing yet, Mike and Daniel are making plans to attack James and Noah since James helped them find the location where they were hiding." She says and I growl low. "And they know for sure he's there?" I ask and I clench my fists. Layla nods and she stands at the door. "Don't try to break Charlie and be careful. " She says and I nod. She walks out of my room and I stare into the mirror. You only see bone and hardly any fat. Maybe I should eat something ... "Yes, you should Charlie." Zoe says and I sigh before I take some clean clothes from my closet and walk to the shower. I take off the old clothes and turn on the shower. I turn my back to the mirror and turn my head to see the scars Noah and James have given me. I put a hand on my stomach and suddenly I notice the scars on my arms. Oh yeah fuck ... they've already seen that too...

I step under the hot shower and relax my tense muscles in the warm water. I have to get new things ... Maybe I should ... No, I just have to go to the store by myself, I think. After I have washed everything, I dry myself and put on the clothes that are suddenly too large. "Fuck." I mutter and I walk downstairs where laughter comes from. "And yesterday Mike fell into the ditch because he thought there was firm ice but it was just a thin layer." I hear Levy the extent of Mike laughing and I walk in and everything stops. "Go on pretend I'm not here," I say dry and Levy sighs. "Would you like some food, Charlie?" He asks and I look at him investigative. "I've already looked through Charlie Chill." Daniel says and I roll my eyes. "Fine."

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